Chapter 1

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Sena's POV

A sound worse than nails on a chalkboard filled the space ship as another grated against the side. Anxiety, frustration and harsh swear words filled the tight space.
"Here we go again" Ricky rolled his eyes. "Hold on guys". He pressed a yellow button and clear egg shaped pods surrounded each of our seats to keep us in place in case we hit something. Hard. This was going to get ugly fast.
"Don't make this worse than it has to be" Amalia warned, pressing on the button on the cuff around her wrist as metal spread around her body enclosing her in a huge, threatening suit that intimidated me more than I'd care to admit to her.
"We've been patient and nice and now they're taking the piss. First it was the bigger ship, then it was Sena's leg" I winced remembering the pain "then it was Cal's hoverbike stolen and trashed and now this. I'm done being a push over" Ricky growled as he swerved the ship back into them with a thud
"At least think logically about it, their ship is a lot bigger and you're just destroying ours now." I pointed out
"Ricky, come on, we've gotten them back for everything they've done" Amalia reminded him
"I say we get out and settle this like men" Cal cracked his tanned knuckles with a grin.
"Yeah cause that worked out so well the last time" I gestured to my leg
"I healed it last time, I can do it again"
"I'm not going to get hurt again so you can flex your muscles and flaunt your manliness to feel better about yourself" I snapped
"Excuse you, I don't need to fight to feel good"
"Oh really?" I asked sarcastically, I was too proud to allow him to heal me again. He was part of the royal family from his planet, their family line was basically the life source for the planet, because of this, he can heal people with his touch. Now there's a bounty on his head, his planet made enemies and the royal family is an easy way to eradicate an entire planet. So now he's unrecognizable thanks to some concoction he took that enhanced his good looks and made him look more like an earthling, as well as that, his clothes, his scruffy hair and complete lack of manners, you'd never guess he was a prince.
"Yeah, I can do other things to feel good too" he winked, snapping me out of my thoughts. I rolled my eyes.
"Oh spare me. Get your ego under control"

"Hey love birds, can you just snap out of it for a second" Ricky turned around. "Cal's got a point. They want us to pull over so be prepared to fight" Cal flashed a grin at me.

"See?" I rolled my eyes again, a common reaction to most things that came out of his mouth. "Oh no. Princess isn't getting her way." was that supposed to be an insult when he was a prince?

"I'll freeze your ass to the seat and you won't even see the fight" I threatened while letting small snowflakes flurry around my fingers as the ship stopped at one of the rest stops floating between planets.

"Shut up guys. Sena, will you wake Honto?" Amalia asked while tying up her long, black hair. I nodded and sighed. The clear pod slid back and I unclicked the seat belt and walked to the back of the ship and opened the metal door. I walked over to the cylindrical, metal pod where he slept and knocked. I heard him rumble.

"We're getting out to confront the gang that keeps tormenting us" I explained. I stood back as gas drifted from the pod and it opened. Honto, a big purple blob of a creature made his way over to me and we went back to the others.

"Ready?" Amalia asked. We all nodded and she opened the door.

The other group had more people and a clear leader, Agustin. He was broad, with blue skin, black hair and dark, beady eyes.
"Oh hey guys. Nice to see you" He grinned, sarcasm dripped from his tone. "That's a mighty big gash you've got on the side of your ship... You should do something about the people who did that" his attempt at being humorous for his gang was just embarrassing and i couldn't hide the disgust from my face.
"Cut the crap and get to the point Agustin" Amalia put a hand on her hip "you want another fight outside a rest stop again? You need to think of more original ideas. At least keep it interesting"
"Oh, believe me. I have something very interesting" he smirked. "So the authorities have taken notice of the trouble our gangs have stirred up and have a wonderful solution. They said if we want to stay out of prison we have to give back to society. The solution? A reality show. If we compete in this show to destroy each other, it'll be completely legal and then this feud will be over and done with"
"What's the catch?"
"Nothing. There's no rules, just... guidelines." he smiled slyly, i really didn't see a difference between a rule and a guideline. "We're given different titles to compete under like hand to hand combat and stuff. Losers are sent to prison for their crimes and winners get away with either a warning, a fine or a shorter or less brutal sentence. Oh and also a million gurdinas(currency accepted in most parts is the galaxy) cash prize. Its the first season and probably won't last long because, for some reason there's a lot of conflict over letting criminals off easier than they deserve." He flicked his hand in our direction and a member of his gang walked towards us and handed us paperwork. "Interested?"
"Hell yeah, we're interested!" Cal exclaimed with stars in his eyes.
"We need to discuss it" I elbowed him.
"We need an answer now" Agustin replied. We all looked to Amalia and she looked at Ricky. He shrugged.
"Why not? We're going to end up getting punished anyway."
"Great. Fill out that paperwork and bring it to the address at the top. See you on set." He waved and they all piled into their ship and flew away.
"Are you for real?" I asked "the reason they picked our group out of everyone they harass is because we're the weakest and they have a better chance of winning against us"
"They shouldn't underestimate us. And if we lose we'll get off easier than they would. We'll train and surprise them and get the audience in our favour" Amalia said calmly and walked on board as the rest of us followed. I ran my hands through my white hair in frustration. I took a deep breath and took my seat.
I guess it's game on.

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