Homecoming is coming

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Hey guys just a little note, this chapter is what all the characters are thinking before Homecoming.

Troy Pov

The homecoming game is coming up and "the Troy" is gonna kill it. We are going to kill the cobras!.....i hope. We lost to them last year, and "the Troy" does NOT loose. I gotta keep my eyes on the prize, I gotta keep me head in the game, I got to FOCUS! Nothing can distract me!!!! Oh theres a dance after the homecoming game, I am pretty sure Sawyer is going to ask Pepper. Hopefully no one asks Bella, at the middle of the dance I will ask her to slow dance with me. I ain't gonna buy no mum!

Newt Pov
Homecoming is here I can't wait to ask Sophie to the dance! I am going ask her in person, text her, face time her and call her just to make sure the answer is final. I am going to pick a fabulous mum. Brenda wants to help me pick it out. I don't have to sweat about the game I will just sit on the bench.

Sawyer's Pov
The homecoming game is coming up and the dance to. I want to ask Pepper to the dance, but i have to do it in a memorable way. I will make a hand made mum out of daisies her favourite flower. I just hope I have the guts to ask her. Then I also have to worry about the game. I have to train hard and not loose focus.

Bella's Pov
I have one thing to worry about and that is the homecoming game. I have got to play as is there is no tomorrow. But if i am nominated for homecoming court, i have to have a date to the dance. But I have not had a spark with anyone since Kyle. And Troy will probably ask someone who is not me. I need a spark.
Sophie Pov

Ugh the homecoming dance is what i am dreading. The only person who will probably ask me out to the dance is Newt. Ugh.. and plus i feel a zit coming on.
Peppers Pov
The things I have to worry about this week is praying that Sawyer asks me. I like him so much. I also have to cheer for the football team but that's nearly not as nerve recking as waiting to be asked to the dance.

Hey guys i know it took me a while to update. I am going to update more one my other story and get it going then I will come back to this one.

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