0. worlds we forgot.

38 1 0

consciousness stream, unknown time

accessing Tempus Edax Rerum database.

searching for investigator "Xin Thao".

search completed. return one results. 

opening profile.

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Xin Thao

born 2016, 22 years old, Chinese Vietnamese

Investigator LV 2, Seoul Branch

assigned 16 heists, 12 completed, 3 transferred, 1 withdrawn.

obtained master's degree in criminal psychology from the Ad Astra Per Aspera College for Gifted, Shanghai campus, in 2034.

firefly, 1 junior investigator, Seo Youngeun (see profile)


further information access is denied by the Tempus Edax Rerum Foundation Cyber Security System

Exiting the profile.

Logging out.

she stared at the screen until it turned pitch black - dark enough to see her own reflection through it. her lips were glowing red even from the projection, her mouth curled up into a sinister smile, the edge of her lips almost touching the long hair not tugged across her ears.

"it's time", she whispered.

Tempus Edax Rerum


Worlds We Forgot 


t/w: major character death, m!rd!r, mentions of su!c!de and self-harm, angst. 
dis. this t/w applies to all 7 books of Tempus Edax Rerum series. 

i do not belong any idols or face claims used in this book and will give properly credit whenever necessary. any forms of copying the part or whole of the plot (or the book) is a plagiarism and will not be tolerated. 

face claim for Xin Thao:  @/rlathfwl on Instagram.

this book is solely fiction. Any similar events, characters or names in the real life are purely a coincidence. 


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