002 - we stay at camp NOT going on the quest

883 42 30

irl, list, letter

Navia stood in a circle with all the 'most compelling' candidates for Percy's quest. At least that's what Chiron called them.

She knew she wouldn't be picked. Why would she? Percy barely knew her, and she looked like she would die within the first three minutes.

She wouldn't, but y'know.

Before Chiron could even finish his sentence, Percy picks Annabeth. His second choice was Grover. Both great choices.

Annabeth was strong, and she's been waiting to be on a quest for as long as she could remember. And Grover is trustworthy. Someone you could say will always stick to their word.

She would pick them too if she was Percy.

But since she wasn't picked, it was time to go back to her cabin. On her way there, she remembered that she had two lucky charms.

She decided to give one to Percy as good luck. She ran to where she knew Percy would be, Luke was leaving as she was entering.

"Percy?" He looked up. "Here." She gave him a bracelet that looked like a curved sword. "Thank you. What is this?" He asks.

"My lucky charm. Look." The bracelet folded out into a sword.

"Sometimes I forget I have it, but in the times I need it most, it comes in handy." She throws it into the air and it turns back into the bracelet.

She grabbed his wrist, putting the bracelet onto it. "Where did you get it?" Percy questions. "Clarisse." Percy's eyes widen.

"Believe it or not, me and Clarisse actually used to be friends. But then she started bullying, and she found out about my crush on her. It was a whole thing. But good luck on your quest. You'll need it." She walks out, running into Clarisse.

"Sorry." She backs up a bit, then changes her direction. Navia walks away, trying to avoid the awkward situation.

She had decided that she was going to get over Clarisse. She had been obsessed for too long. So, she went to the only person she knew could help.

"Luke." He was talking to a group of his friends. He turned to look at Navia. "What's up?" She sighs. "I need your help with something." He nods, telling her to continue.

She nods her head towards her cabin, where no one would listen in. They go inside the cabin, and she finally spills.

"I need to get over Clarisse. How do I do that?" She asks him. "I usually just realize i hated them the whole time." He tells her.

"Ok. How do I do that?" Navia waves her hands around. "I have an idea. Go sit down." He moves to go grab some paper.

"Are you serious? What is sitting down gonna help with? You know i think better when I walk!" She whines.

"Navia. Sit down." Luke looked dead serious. She was confused on why he was so serious about it. So, she listened.

She sat on her bed, and Luke handed her some paper and a pencil. "Write down all the reasons you would have to hate Clarisse in the first place. Come find me after." He left the cabin, leaving Navia alone with her thoughts.

She sighed, but picked up the pencil anyway. She started writing, but she could only think of five things.

reasons to hate clarisse la rue.

1. i liked her and she rejected me

2. clarisse never even showed a little bit of love back (the love letter could still be a prank.)

3. she's always counting up her victories as if she's better then everyone else (she's not)

4. it's getting hard to believe she even wants to be around me

5. she almost never speaks to me


Those were good enough reasons for her. Navia had tried so hard to show Clarisse that she liked her, and she never got that attention back.

She was officially done showing any amount of attention to Clarisse. She was gonna ignore her for the rest of her life.

She ran to Luke to tell him the good news, but he was talking to Clarisse.

It made her feel weird. Not jealous. Definitely not jealous. But weird. Why would you tell someone to write reasons to hate Clarisse and then talk to Clarisse?

It was weird to her. But she didn't care anymore. She doesn't care about Clarisse, and she doesn't control Luke.


Ok, maybe she cared a little. She felt like a little kid who just found out that santa isn't real.

So, she did the only thing she knew how to do. She wrote another letter. This time she was gonna make sure no one found it.


dear clarisse,

I once admired you,
with a crush that ran so true.
but you rejected me,
and left me feeling blue.

my friend Luke, he tried to help,
told me to make a list of all the things that made me swell,
so I put my heart and ink to page,
and wrote down all the reasons I should hate.

but as I was writing, you and Luke I saw,
chatting and laughing, carefree as ever,
I felt a stab of jealousy and pain,
And a rage that I could not contain.

so now I write you this letter,
with my heart and my pain made clear,
for all the rejection and heartache,
now I wish I'd never met you.

sincerely, navia


She couldn't think of many rhymes, but she didn't really care anymore. There was a single tear on the page, hopefully not to be seen by anyone.

She put the letter in an envelope, but did not address it. She just wrote 'From, Navia.'

She didnt understand why she felt jealous. Luke was her friend, he would never do that to her. But she still felt it, and it wasn't an easy feeling to get rid of.

She put the letter under her bed, knowing it would never be seen. She could be wrong though. Someone obviously thought the same thing when putting their letter under her bed. Yet, she still found it.

mya speaks !
honest reaction while writing this: 😼

i got ai to write the poem again 🤞


have a good day
i love you
stay healthy
and bake something (like cake or cookies idk)

have a good day i love youstay healthyand bake something (like cake or cookies idk)

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