1 BRAWLER 1 SCENE: reader wears Fangs clothes (reaction/request)

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- you woke up and it was 7am.

- you wanted to get ready for the day because you had school over.. not too long.

- you looked beside you and you saw that your boyfriend was still slepping peacefully, deciding notto wake him up.

- you got ready, but you couldnt find any hoody of yours. You washed them yesterday but forgot em in the washing machine, so you thought 'hey why not wear my beloveds hoodie?'

- and so you picked his favorite and wore it, but when you turned around, you saw your bf behind you. you got  a lil scared , but, you saw him blushing.

- "goodmorning sweety" you said as you pecked his lips. "I-Is that...m-my h-hoodie?" he asked. "ah yes, i forgot to dry mine, heheh" you said in response.

- he looked away, ANYWHERE BUT YOU, then hugged you tightly."do that more often pls" he said.

- and after that day on, he "accidentaly" "forgets" his hoodies in you room so you can wear them :)

- and yall lived happyly after. LOL AJIHEZITXYTZU

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