Unknown Spectators

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The sun had just hit it's highest point in the sky. Linnaidra had urged me once again to go and see the wounded dragon and girl. After reluctantly agreeing to go, I told her to stay in the clouds as her presence could upset them if  I decided to approach them. I was following her directions when I heard something making its way through the underbrush of the forest. I silently hid and watched as a noisy group of men barreled through, not caring where they stepped or what noise they made. My eyes narrowed as they trudged past. I could not stand for these kind of men. Why they were in my forest I didn't know, but I did know one way or the other they'd all be leaving, and soon. I realized they were headed to the spot where Linnaidra had described the injured dragon and girl to be. I cursed and quickly hopped through the forest, hoping to make it in time. I noticed the broken and missing line of trees first, and skid marks easily led me to where I was looking to go. A monstrous sized pile of black scales and wings laid still against a few trees. A voice resonated in my mind 'It keeps the human girl tucked under it like a hen with her eggs, I'd be cautious approaching, he seems very protective.' I nodded and climbed a nearby tree, waiting.

Sure enough, the noisy group of men entered earshot. The black dragon heard them before I did. It raised it's head and gave a deep, threatening hum. A shiver ran down my spine. 'I'm glad the dragon is usually on my side, I wouldn't want to fight this thing.' I felt Linnaidra far above me curl her lip up in mock laughter. As the men entered my line of sight I could make out their ragged armor and weapons. These men were nothing more than mercenaries. Sell swords who will raid and kill for no reason, or for someone else's reason, if you have the cash. I clenched my teeth and reached for my bow. The men had obviously spotted the huge, downed dragon, and were making quite the racket.

"Easy now big fella, we just wanna take those teeth and scales of yours to sell, don't you worry about it." One of the men soothed, waving a spear around in the air. The other men laughed and cackled at this. "Poor little guy, you must've tumbled outta the sky and broke your wings huh? Well we'll just have to put you outta your misery then!" The men got even louder, hollering and hooting. 'These guys have a death wish, taunting a live dragon. What are they- mad?' I thought to myself. 'No,' Linnaidra responded,'Just stupid.' I felt her begin to descend towards me. 'Looks like they won't back off, guess we'll have to scare them or fight them, huh, 'Naidra?' I asked. My answer was a giant roar as Linnaidra flew right overhead past us. The black dragon looked up at this and watched her fly over the treetops and circle around.

"There are two of them, captain!" A younger man exclaimed. "Ah, hold firm men! Think of how much we could sell a pair of dragon horns for, huh! Don't run! Stand and fight these measly little bird-lizards!" I shook my head and hopped down from my tree. I walked over, strolling in-between the black dragon and the raiders. Leaving my bow on my back, I pulled out my dual blades instead, preparing for a skirmish. The raiders were confused at my appearance at first but then scoffed at me. "Are ya' a dragon rider little boy?" The man in front of me stepped closer. This was the so called "captain" of these men, the one who taunted the dragon. He pointed his spear at me, the tip wavering. "What do you think you can do here, huh? Even if ya have two dragons, my men and I will kill them both, and you. So just run home and ya won't have to die today." He must have thought this was very funny because he broke out in a blaring laughter. His men joined in half-heartedly, but they all seemed shaken and worried, unlike their crazy captain.

I didn't respond. I kept my guard up and glanced over my shoulder at the black dragon. His head was lowered and his shoulders were flexed, a defensive position. Now that I was up close, I saw his eyes. They seemed to be frozen. A blue so light it looked almost white, sparkling in the sun, it looked unnatural against it's dark scales. With 100 feet between myself and the dragon, and maybe 20 between the myself and the group of about 25 raiders, I still took a few steps towards the raiders. The dragon hissed deeply and it's pupil's narrowed. I gulped and positioned myself so I could see both the men and the dragon.'The things I do to convince myself I'm a good person.' I chastised myself in my head.

Linnaidra glided into the clearing, forcefully landing next to me, right in front of the raiders. Dust sprayed out from her landing. She left her wings open, tilting them down threateningly as she circled around to glare at her opponents, or rather, her prey. She curled up her neck and then lunged forward, opening her mouth and letting loose another vicious roar. The men all stumbled back and uttered sounds of shock and horror. Linnaidra then took a dramatic step towards them, opening her mouth to show off her rows of sharp blade-like teeth and licking her lips. Most of the men's courage broke and they ran off into the forest, crying out for help. The swift purple dragon spun around, her tail like a whip, sending the few remaining men flying back into the forest. I backed up and faced the giant black dragon. All of his attention was on me now. His icy gaze drilled into mine. My body moved on it's own and I dropped into a position of submission. On my knees, my head almost touching the ground, I slowly placed my blades, bow, and arrows on the ground next to me and showed my empty hands. By this time, Linnaidra was striding back towards us. I lifted my head and watched as my dragon lowered her head, something very rare indeed. The black dragon seemed pleased by our gestures, but he did not relax. His great maw opened, revealing enormous fangs, and he spoke.

"Who are you?" His voice was deep, loud, and commanding. I lost a bit of my confidence and Linnaidra began to speak. "We mean you no harm. I am Linnaidra, last of my line. This is my rider, and soul-sharer, Alexandrius. We live in and care for this forest." I slowly stood and spoke up. "Linnaidra found you after you crashed, you look hurt. I might not be able to offer much, but I could help. I've trained as a healer for many years." The dragon's eyes narrowed at this. "Why help us?" He asked, cautious. 'He said "Us" ' I thought. 'Someone really does ride this dragon.'

'That's what I told you.' Linnaidra's smug voice sounded in my head. "I'm not one to abandon someone if they need help." I responded. "It was my master's first rule to always help those in need... Also I.. We've never seen another dragon who had a rider." Alexandrius admitted. The dragon closed his eyes, in thought for a moment. "Please," He spoke, softer now. "Help us." Bowing his snout low, he began to stand, his tremendous muscles quivering. "If you can heal her, I promise I will do whatever I can for you." I watched as the dragon moved his wing. I opened my mouth to reply, to assure him I'd help them both. But when I saw the human he had been protecting, I wasn't able to reply.

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