2. Saudade.

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Growls filled the air, sounds of primal aggression echoing through the wilderness.

A pack of wolves encircled the solitary black creature, their eyes gleaming with a predatory intensity. Undeterred, he snarled in response, his lips lifting to reveal sharper and longer fangs than his adversaries. Though outnumbered, he exuded a fierce aura, unwilling to yield in the face of the encroachers.

They were trespassing, all seeking to seize what wasn't rightfully theirs.

The air crackled with anticipation. With ears pulled back, each member of the opposing forces gauged the other for weakness, preparing for the imminent collision that would determine supremacy in this moonlit battleground. The tension was palpable as they confronted each other, a clash of territorial instincts and dominance. 

Grunts emanated as paws swiped, jaws snapped, and flesh wept.

Faint moonlight filtered through the dense canopy, casting an eerie glow on the scene unfolding in the heart of the woods. A cacophony of wild, untamed sounds reverberated through the night. Claws clashed, fangs collided, and crimson oozed.

Growls transitioned into yowls, gradually fading into shameful whimpers.

The lone wolf's dark fur seemed to absorb the lucent silver rays, rendering him a shadowy figure standing defiantly against the cowering pack. He released a howl filled with rage and pent-up longing. It echoed through the night, a warning and a promise.

Their attacks were relentless and desperate, attempting to end his life and cease his solivagant journey. He posed a threat to their carefully constructed hierarchy. 

How could a single creature possess such immense power?

Wolves lived in packs, relying on each other for survival. They couldn't thrive alone, and the presence of a creature such as him that defied the rules of their existence was an aberration. He was an anomaly, and he ought to be eradicated. Not only was he a lone wolf traversing the lands with no qualms or fear, but he had no notion of limited or private territories. Everything was there for him to reach and claim.

His howls had roused more than the attention of the Moon. They evoked terror and anger. How dare one wolf presume to claim ownership of every corner of these vast lands?

Yet, all of their attempts ended in utter failure. 

They met an end befitting of their blatant disrespect and disregard for the vast gap in their strength. His chest rumbled as he expressed his displeasure.  He had been deprived of expressing his adoration for too long a duration. His heart ached, shedding silent laments of saudade. His gaze flitted over the strewn, fallen bodies of those who dared attack him and disrupt his rendezvous with his silver beloved. 

The wolf bristled before releasing a shuddering, low guttural sound that slowly swelled until the ground shook beneath his paws.

Mud coated his matted fur, blood dripped from his muzzle, and, when shameful clouds attempted to hide the moon, his ashen irises lifted toward the sky. They glinted with newfound resolve.

A silent vow echoed in the depths of his soul.

A silent vow echoed in the depths of his soul

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