13. Succiduous.

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Endless shelves stretched high toward the ornate ceiling, their imposing presence casting a sense of awe over Alarick as he walked alongside Accalia. Moonlight filtered through stained glass windows, mingling with the warm glow of candlelight to paint colorful hues across the rows of books that lined the walls.

Alarick couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the library's collection as they traversed the aisles, the faint scent of aged paper and ink permeating the air. Countless volumes stood patiently, their leather-bound covers whispering promises of immense knowledge waiting to be uncovered.

Accalia's graceful fingers trailed along the spines of the books, selecting each one with careful consideration as she guided him through the labyrinth of shelves and stacked piles.

Alarick was overcome with monachopsis as he followed behind her while she appeared right at home. He had an inkling that this was where she spent most of her time.

Weeks have slipped by since their first picnic in the sun-dappled gardens, where the conversation of learning took root. Accalia, ever mindful of not overwhelming him, ensured their focus remained on mastering human mannerisms before delving into more complex subjects. Alarick had made remarkable progress, nearly perfecting the art of etiquette de table, though there were occasional wardrobe mishaps that often resulted in Accalia assisting him with changing into fresh shirts. He couldn't shake the suspicion that it was merely an excuse for her to run her hands over his torso.

Not that he minded in the slightest.

Having deemed him sufficiently adept at navigating the intricacies of human behavior, Accalia proposed a quick trip to the library. Alarick acknowledged that he had much to learn, but he, at least, knew that brief trips typically didn't extend into such lengthy endeavors.

Sudden applause startled him out of his thoughts, causing him to wobble slightly under the weight of the books in his arms. 

"That is enough," Accalia declared. Glancing at him, she snapped her fingers, causing what they both carried to vanish.

Alarick squinted at her incredulously. "Could you not have thought of that sooner? Sometimes I wonder if you forget that you wield magic as naturally as you breathe."

"I enjoy the smell of books." She shrugged, her lips pressed into a thin line. "And I do not tire that easily. My apologies for not considering your physical prowess," she paused, a hint of mischief dancing in her eyes. "Or lack thereof."

After her admission, Alarick couldn't help but puff his chest, drawing closer to her until her back met the shelves behind her. "Ah, but it seems my physical presence has its impact," he teased, relishing the way she arched into him, their proximity reigniting the simmering tension between them. "I have noticed you stealing glances more than once." He leaned in with a playful smirk. "Perhaps you cannot resist the allure of my impeccable physique."

Accalia chuckled softly, a hint of color tinting her cheeks. "Oh, is that so? Well, I must admit, your impeccable physique is quite distracting," she confessed with a wink despite her erratic heart. "But I assure you, it is purely for research purposes."

"Research?" Alarick stepped closer until his body pressed against hers, molding her softness to the hard planes of his chest. His breathing deepened. "How about I assist you with whatever you are researching?"

Desire trickled in as they held eye contact, fanning the growing flames of their attraction. Neither knew how long they could resist succumbing to their primal instincts.

Accalia placed a trembling hand against his shoulder, gently pushing him away. He didn't budge, resting his chin atop her head instead. His fingers enclosed hers, his voice strained with emotion as he spoke, "I do not think you understand the effect you have on me."

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