[ONC20] Drakaina {Excerpt}

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Always drawn to the susurrus of an enchanting forest, Alyviah finds herself giving in to the xylophilia coursing through her not once, not twice, but too many times.

Surely, it mustn't be related to the arcane whispers of her parents or the handsome stranger she keeps stumbling upon, or the old tales of dragons and a curse no one knows anything about...right?

However, too many questions are unanswered, and too many things remain unexplained. And so, she finds herself forced to figure out not only her past but also her future...something Alyviah never thought she'd go through considering the sheltered life she'd had up until one night when she snaps out of a trance that consumed her, only to find herself in the middle of a war that's been brewing for years...a war that she had no idea about, yet played a huge role in.

Because, after all...Platinum shall rise with an unquenchable thirst for justice...and kingdoms shall fall.

Chapter One: Werifesteria 

Silky rivers of brown locks moved to the chaotic beat of rapid footsteps. Juvenile timid giggles rose to the air as feet slapped continuously on the jagged grounds. Blue skirts, too heavy, almost slowed her down as they whipped around slender and determinant legs.

Weaving through trees, leaves grumbled under her sandals as she mindlessly crushed them with every step she took deep inside the forest. It was inviting, entrancing, intriguing. It was calling her.

"Alyviah!" A faint call reached her ears, sparking annoyance and defeat to consume her. The frown marring her features was smoothed down; a forced smile took its place before falling off her face at her father's stern look. "What did we say about going into the forest?"

"I wasn't going anywhere." Mock innocence shone in amber orbs as she trudged begrudgingly toward him. His eyes narrowed, knowing fully well that his daughter was bluffing. She swallowed, waving her hands around. "I thought I saw a rabbit...or something. I was merely trying to chase it, father."

Muttering under his breath, her father exhaled deeply gesturing for her to help him carry the wood they'd been collecting back home. "Well, I expect you not to repeat that, Alyviah. The forest is-"

"Full of dangers and lurking monsters that kidnap little girls," her interruption was met with reprimanding eyes before she huffed. "I am not a little girl anymore, father."

"You'll always be my little baby, Aly." His face softened; voice so tender it soothed her growing curiosity but not enough to smother it. "Let's head home, sweetheart. It's getting late and your mother is waiting to start dinner." Sighing, her head moved involuntarily in slow nods before dragging her legs after him.

Trees were everywhere; it was impossible to ignore or not get carried away roaming around. Logs littered the grounds, fallen leaves swayed to a gentle breeze and sneaky insects crept around. A shudder raced down her spine, excitement growing every time her eyes landed on the scenery surrounding them.

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