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"Write about what really interests you, whether it is real things or imaginary things, or nothing else."

~ C.S. Lewis

In the heart of the ancient forest, where the canopy above obscured most of the starlight, stood the dome shaped edifice, a relic of a forgotten age. Its weathered stones, once hewn with precision, now bore the scars of time, adorned with a tapestry of twisting ivy that clung to every surface and crevice, as if seeking refuge from the inky blackness of the midnight sky.

The entrance, a weather-beaten door barely clinging to its hinges, hinted at the passage of countless seasons. Moss traced the intricate designs and patterns carved in the surface of the stone. Within the confines of the dome, the walls rose high, their structure creating an otherworldly atmosphere. Moonlight streamed through the circular opening at the top, casting a silvery glow upon the obsidian statue that stood in the middle of the room. The air in the room seemed to give off a quiet energy, as if the very stones of the ancient building held a dormant power, waiting to be awakened.

It was in the stillness of the night that a hooded figure glided up to the temple, through the age-worn doors and up to the statue.

"My lord," the voice said softly, almost a whisper, as the owner of the voice bowed deeply before the statue. "After much searching, we have found the spell."

The energy in the room crackled as the ruby eyes of the statue gleamed in anticipation. The charged air compelled the rats that permeated the room to cower and scurry out in fear and desperation. When the tension finally broke, the statue's eyes locked with the face hidden under the hood, using the soft night breeze as a coverup, it spoke, though the lips of the monument did not move.

"Very good, very good. You have been my faithful servant thus far; I have no doubt you will not fail me now. I will soon be ready to return...."

The Temple Unleashed (Book 1) | currently being rewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now