•last day together/back at the studio•

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Emily's Pov:
Today Michelle is moving into her apartment, we've flown all the way back to New York together so i can help her. Michelle also wanted help picking out some new furniture for her new place.

"So Mich, what are we doing?." I hug her from behind but i lift up onto my tiptoes as im shorter than her.

Michelle: I want to paint the walls pink.

"Of course you do." I kiss her cheek and turn to stand infront of her.

Michelle: Im serious, maybe like a baby pink.

"Alright lets go buy some paint."

Michelles Pov:
Something is still off about Emily, she's happy then acts off and distant. Its just that i thought we've talked about me moving.

Emily's Pov:
We're walking around the shop and trying to find the paint, but then i see the sign.

"Mich, its here!." I point.

Michelle: finally we found it.

We walk down the isle and the paint is in rainbow order, we walk down to the pink and theres not just one or two shades of pink...theres ten!

Michelle: Maybe this one! *she picks up a hot pink*

"Michelle you are not having hot pink walls." I take the paint from her hand and place it back onto the shelf.

Michelle: Fine maybe this one. *she picks up a baby pink*

"That will look cute, you should go for that one." I place three tins into the cart.

Michelle: Okay! Now lets pay.

————————-back at the apartment ———————

We are now at the apartment and are just laying down for a bit, My head is resting on Michelles lap.

Michelle: Im so excited to be moving here.

"Mhm." I close my eyes.

Michelle: Going on tour is going to be amazing.

I smile and role over.

Michelle: The travelling as well!

"Omg can you stop talking about tour for one second!" I snap and walk out.

Michelle: Emily what was that for!

I lock myself in the bathroom because i dont know where else to go, i slide down the door onto the floor and start to cry again. When she leaves im going to be alone, i have no friends except Michelle in Toronto. Everyone else has moved or are travelling so when she leaves...i have no one to turn to. I then here a knock.

Michelle: Em can you let me in?

"No." I say straightforwardly.

Michelle: C'mon i want to know whats going on with you. Your acting all distant but then happy at times, whats going on. I thought we talked about me moving here.

After Michelle finishes speaking i open the door quickly and just burst out what i'm saying.

"You're just leaving me to be lonely, i'm going to have no friends close by as everyone has left." I then close the door into her face again.

Michelles Pov:
Now i know whats been going on with Emily, and i don't know how to fix this one. I feel so much more guilt on me than i already have...am i just abandoning her?.

I slide down the door like Emily is doing the other side, i'm guessing?...hopefully she is or that will be embarrassing.

"Emily, i don't want you to think i'm abandoning you." I say through the door.

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