VI. Engaged

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                                𝔖𝔖𝔖𝔖                                 Abrar

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If I was told few weeks ago that I'll be getting engaged today,

I would have laughed at the person's face for saying such a dry fucking joke, but I don't think I have it in me to open my mouth wide enough to guffaw about something like that.

I'm already engaged but it feels like a normal day for me, maybe because I'm in the hospital rather than being at home where the event is taking place, the house is probably full of people,

women in their expensive clothes gossiping about other people while having their mouths full with food and water, probably drinks too, the young kids, the teenage ones probably on their phones, or else they are taught better to hang out with their cousins,

if they don't already feel to big to engage in conversations with each other,

The children moving around the big house or even the compound, crying, laughing, screaming and playing around making enough noise to tell the whole neighborhood that they're is something going on in that house.

Or is it the men? Probably sitting somewhere in the other part of the house eating and talking about business or politics, the ones that know to enjoy at least something in their life are probably talking about the football match that was live few hours ago, the ones that belong to the winning team of course mocking the other as if there were one of the players who participated or played in the match.

And well the funniest thing is that all those people, I'm not familiar with them, they've probably never seen me or maybe have only once or twice but they are related to my uncle and familiar with my aunt, yet they are busy celebrating me.

My aunt's family are in Egypt, she met her husband in the University of Egypt where he went to learn more about his deen, it's in the same uni she met my mother and they became best of friends,

they clicked the first day they met and every other day strengthened their relationship, everyone in their family or close friends knew Hauwa -my mother- was more than a sister to my aunt, Mounira

Wherever Hauwa was Mounira was also there, they were like a team, they complimented each other so well, Dua's brother Youssef, fell extraordinarily hard for Hauwa, and well she was also smitten with him, of course he was very good looking and he was kind and respectful,

well that's what I heard about him, I remember him being that but the ugly and very bad memories of him are clouding the good ones, I hate him so much my heart throbs painfully.

No one talks about him, maybe only in my presence but I don't know if he's dead or alive and I hate myself right now for even giving a fuck, but it's because he's my father right? Not that I care or anything.

I remove myself from wallowing in my disgusting past before I go to deep and disorient my inner self, I take slow strides to the female washroom to ease the discomfort in my body, I bring down my face mask and sprinkle little water on my face to avoid it ruining the concealer on the side of my forehead covering-

My head turns as the door of the restroom opens, a cleaner walks in with her cleaning supplies and I put back my face mask before exiting the place, on my way back to my office I come face to face with a familiar face but I can't really place where I know him from.

"Doctor?" He says in a questioning voice as though he didn't expect to see me here, I unintentionally raised a brow, one to show him I don't really know who he is.

"Oh!" He uses his hand to brush the back of his head with his hands and smiles. "I'm Matt, we started working here together, I used to be on dreadlocks before" he describes and I remember now where I know him from, we basically started working the same time with other doctors,

He was the only one that always had something to say to me but I made it clear I didn't like talking even without saying it, he used to make small talk and sometimes compliments me, I remember now because he was really the only one that time that was audacious enough to talk to me.

"Oh, Good evening Doctor, what brings you here?" He looked shocked for a moment that I spoke to him more than I used to.

He chuckles boyishly before speaking. "I came to meet with my friend that was hospitalized."

"Oh, may he or she get well soon, thank you for your time. Bye." I say leaving him there before he could reply, I open the door to the office and sat down on my chair, I turn to my right to see Asmau's desk empty because she didn't come to the hospital, hope she's fine though, she's never absent from work.

My phone chimes and I pick up the phone to see a message from my aunt.

I hope you're on your way home,
you can't miss this.

She didn't want me to go to the hospital today but I insisted saying it's better for me to save lives than be in a room full of people I don't know for an engagement I don't want, but I didn't tell her about not being happy with it, I skipped that part, if I didn't she would have fainted.

I send her a reply,
I'm not coming.

Her text back is immediate.

Just give me a heart attack already.

I smile, imagining her holding her chest and furrowing her brows as she makes that comment.

I'm kidding I'll be there.

You better be!
Your fiancé just arrived.
He looks very goood.

My eyes narrow at the mention of him, we are both stubborn, which is why the engagement is even taking place, I remember the way I disgraced myself in his office, I even fucking stuttered at some point when I managed to say I was pregnant.

Oh! Thinking about it makes me want to vomit, and him, the man just sat there like a beast not even maintaining eye contact, like I was invisible or something, only throwing few comments here and there that fueled my anger, the fucker even called me desperate, I badly wanted to give him a hard jab on his ribs but I doubt that would even affect him.

I arranged my table and kept some files on the shelf before arranging my things in my bag before finding my way back home.

This is going to be a long night.


                                  𝗓 𐰁.

A long night indeed...well these two couples are about to be giving y'all the vibes Heheheh.


Guys my exams are starting next week, pray for me. I really can't wait to go home, this life is so stressful aaarghhh!!!

Toh bye, let's meet again in the next A/N.

I don't have anything else to say bye.

Okayyy bye fr now

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