Chapter 26: Severity at the Capital

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Sirius' POV

A slight vibration shattered my light sleep.

"I'm sorry," Marien said. She rested her forearms on the mattress, "I didn't want to wake you up."

Oh. I had fallen asleep. It was probably because I took a cold shower. After her attack of kisses and caresses, Marien had left me strangely... hot. I had to get rid of that 'tension' from down there...

"Don't worry," I said.

"Let's go eat?"

"Rosy said they would wait for us in the cafeteria," I remembered.

"Yes, but..." She caressed my lower lip, and the sweet tingling returned. It felt so good. "They probably are not there by now, so let's buy something, and then we can go around the city."

"Sounds good."


"So... Tell me..." my lady spoke as we walked down the passage. "That friend you mentioned earlier, is he one of Orion's men?"

"Altair..." I was a little upset to remember him, although now he was far from my girl. "I'm still angry at him for hurting you, even though he was only doing what Orion told him to do. He was like my brother."

"I'm sorry."

I put my arm around her thin shoulders and smiled with closed lips to calm her down. She didn't have to worry about those things.

"It's okay."

Being close to the cafeteria, I could hear her friends talking, so they weren't gone as Marien thought. It made me happy because I knew she wanted to see them.

"Hey!" she said when we entered. "I thought you guys were gone."

"We have the afternoons off," Rosy said, bored. "There's not much to do."

"We'll buy something to eat and walk around the city, okay?"

They seemed confused.

"Ern... Marien didn't like going for walks. Who are you?" Marcus said, smiling, and my sweet lady laughed. "Wait! Let's go to the training field next door!"

"Oh. Okay. It sounds interesting."

On the way out, a policeman stopped Marien's doctor friend, John, and we slipped through another door. Although it worried me that they might go in looking for Dad and his companions, Marcus assured me that they couldn't do it by law, so I trusted him.

The training field was nearby. It was a two-story building with a large open field where I could see some obstacle courses, target shooting areas, and a climbing wall, among other things. Apart from that, I saw a vast forest in the back, with no end nor visible fences. There was a small sign quoting National Forest.

Marcus said we would be in the fort for a few minutes now that the place was empty, but I couldn't stop seeing the forest.

Its greenery called me. It reminded me of my town, seeing the forest always there, with abundant trees between the streets and houses. I had the feeling that if I went in and ran long enough, I would find my town right there...

My Marien brought me out of my thoughts with her gentle touch. I looked back at her, and she handed me my sunglasses. I remembered that my eyes could still be a problem.

"Can I tell you something?" asked Marcus. "He looks scarier that way."

"Don't be jealous. He looks great," Rosy claimed.

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