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I coughed up water as my vision cleared once more.

Am I in heaven or something? If so, did my stupid idea work?


"Sigewinne???" I stuttered.

A face of a little girl hovered over my face, masked in an expression of worry.

I immediatly rolled around the bed to get a better view of things. And sure enough, I was in the Fortress of Meropide's infirmary. After making sure I wasn't hallucinating, I pushed myself off the bed to sit up straight.

"Where's Lyney and Lynette?" I shouted, making Sigewinne frown. The little Melusine walked over to the other beds beside mine, and peeked at what seemed to be other patients. Oops... I hurriedly made a gesture that meant I'll shut up, and then I slipped out of the infirmary in search of Lyney.


"Hey Kazuha, do you think you can find a way to smuggle us out of here?" Beidou sat at the Coupon Cafeteria and took a long swig out of the bottle of wine she bought with coupons after one day of work. 

The platium haired boy didn't answer. If Beidou wasn't so drunk, she would've realised that Kazuha is somehow half asleep by now. And even if Kazuha had been wide awake, he couldn't possibly answer her, as she had said that sentence quite loudly.

"Hey mate, why go to the surface? Those rotten people up there. Down here is way better, you newcomers don't get it." An equally drunk man from one table away exclaimed loudly. Waking Kazuha in the progress.

He rubbed his eyes warily, if Hikari saw this, she would've been overcome with happiness on how cute he was.

"Beidou, I'm going to go back to my dormitory. I'll come down for dinner later." Kazuha smiled gently and left. Beidou mumbled something before he left, but considering her drunk, what she said didn't really make any sense.

Kazuha sat on the bed of his dormitory.

For some reason, he and Beidou have been caught while traveling around the Court of Fontaine. During their trip to the Fortress of Meropide, Beidou tried hard to contain her anger and to tell them that they didn't commit any crimes of sorts. But all they said was that Lady Furina ordered the capture, and they had to obey her orders.

He's been trying to gather information from people in the fortress as well about their capture, but no use.

And yet they call her the God of Justice.

Lying down on his bed, he closed his eyes. Yet the face of a certain girl kept appearing in his mind's eye.


It would sound like lunacy if he'd told anyone about this... but he felt like she was an Archon. It would be somehow normal that he could tell if a thunderstorm is coming, or foresee the weather on the seas. But thinking that someone he'd just seen once is an Archon...

But she is, I'm sure of it.


I found Lyney with Freminet beside the Coupon Cafeteria. Technically, I saw them from afar, but I felt too guilty to go up and talk to them.

"Hikari." Lyney aproached me, with Freminet trailing after him. Not knowing what to say, I wisely chose to shut my mouth. And then I looked at Freminet, because it would be too much for me to handle Lyney's gaze. It makes me feel somehow more guilty. But as I looked at Freminet, he looked back with a sort of blaming but worried look.

"I... I'm really really sorry about the things that I've caused during your performance. I can give you pay back of any sort, if it's within my ability. And I... I'll give you the rental money for the time I've spent at your house..."


I stood as Lyney and Freminet looked like they were going to say something, but stopped themselves from saying it. And I couldn't possibly just ask them to tell me what they want to say. It would be rude, and I'm not in a position to say things like that anymore.


"Are you okay?" The way Freminet had said it had been somewhat like a whisper. I heard it clearly though, considering the awkward and most silent atmosphere between us three. Sounds of talking and machines rumbling reached my ears from some distance away, but it wasn't even that loud. At least not loud enough to replace the silence. 

"I mean... I'm fine physically."

But I'm not fine mentally. I finished in my mind.

Lyney turned away to look at something to the left. And I was left staring at Freminet, while Freminet stared back.

"W... What did you mean by physically..." Stammering, Freminet asked. 

I bit my lower lip and turned my face to the left like Lyney. I'm such a coward... I can't even face them...

That... streak of red hair...


"You did something illegal?!"

A/N: Kazuha: "... stop... T^T I'm innocentttt!!!"

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