02: Suga is Bad, Half Eaten Strawberry

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In The Car, V's Point Of View

" Hee Won like Strawberry? " Jungkook asked while extending his hand to feed the strawberry to her. Hee Won nodded her head and stretch her both hands trying to snatch the strawberry but failed as Jungkook bring it to her mouth but was immediately stopped by V's hand. " Its too big for her. She would choke. Cut it into half! " Hee Won whine and squirm around on V's lap as she wanted the strawberry right now. " Me! meeeeee " whine Hee Won impatiently while slapping her tiny hands on V's chest while she attempt to stand on his lap but V was quick to hold on to her tight. " There's nothing I can cut the strawberry with, we are in the car! " Panic Jung kook, he was feeling anxious as Hee Won was on the edge of crying. " Hyung! Help me! " begged Jungkook while looking at Jin at the front seat but he just laugh it off and raise his eyebrow teasingly. Suga who was seated right behind, stretch his arms and took the strawberry. He had eaten half of the strawberry and returned the another half of it back to Jung kook smiling. " What? Just like this? " confused Jung kook look towards the strawberry and Suga but then the rest started laughing at their brother hilarious solution. Hee Won reached her limit of patient after seeing her strawberry was half gone and started sobbing loudly while pointing her tiny fingers at Suga as if he had done a crime which is unforgiven. " Ba... Bad..... " cried Hee Won while kicking her legs around to express her unhappiness.

Everyone started laughing even the manager who was driving the car. " Feed her the left over strawberry quick, I always do that to my son and he would stop! Food is the solution to cheer a baby " suggested by manager. Listening to the advise, Jung kook quickly show the strawberry to Hee Won and told her to open her mouth. Hee Won slowly opened her mouth while her left hand reach towards the strawberry afraid that it would be gone, Jung kook gave her the half eaten strawberry. Hee Won have stopped crying immediately, she is taking small bites of her strawberry while looking around with her teary big eyes, her hand was still holding onto the strawberry which she saved. " He is bad right baby? Shall we beat him? " comfort Taehyung while softly patting her back, Hee Won nodded her head rapidly and everyone started laughing. Suga pretend to hold his chest and cried out " OUCH! " which catches Hee Won attention she look back but due to her height she could not see Suga so Taehyung lifted her up by under her arms in a standing position on his lap. Hee Won tilt her head cutely staring at Suga. He continue to act, " You asked them to hit me right? It hurts! " Hee Won still did not react, being confuse. Jhope decided to help " Baby why don't you give a soft peck on Uncle Suga cheek so he would feel better? " Hee Won coldly shake her head as a No and sat back down while biting on her strawberry. " This kid knows her priority man " Laughs Jin.

After 15minutes, Hee Won was still holding onto the one bite of strawberry which was left. While the rest are sleeping, she attempt to put the strawberry into her pocket to safe keep for later thinking nobody would see but was unsuccessful as Jimin was awake and observing her every move. " Oh no no no baby, you cannot keep it. It will attract ants to you and they would bite you. You would not like to get bite, do you? " Jimin said while gently pinching her arms to imitate ants bite. Hee Won innocently shake her head as a no and gave the left over strawberry to Jimin. He took it and wipe her hands with wet tissue. Afterwards Hee Won attempt to climb to Jimin's lap but failed as she make grabby hands towards him by opening and closing her fits to indicate that she wants to be carried. Jimin smiled and carry her over to his lap while she moved her head to rest on his left shoulder and one of her hands fisted tightly on Jimin shirt. Jimin was melted by this action and stared lovingly at Hee Won side view while lightly patting her back to lure her to sleep as she seems to be sleepy and tired after crying.

- To Be Continue -

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