12: Inncocent Jin

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Jimin's Point Of View

Yesterday after drinking milk Hee Won slept through the rest of the night. Even when we move her from car to home, she did not wake up. We are very glad that she manage to sleep well as we do not wish her body clock to be screwed by our work schedule.

We reached home around 6am this morning as it was an midnight shoot. Right now is 6:30am and all seven of us are going to dreamland after washing up. Hee Won would be sleeping at my room tonight as she is still unfamiliar with the house.

I removed her coat and outside clothes changing her into a fluffy brown bear romper to sleep in. Afterwards I off the lights and slept right away.

Next day morning at 8:45am, Hee Won woke up

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Next day morning at 8:45am, Hee Won woke up. She rub her eyes and look around while laying down. She raise her right leg up in the air and try to hold her toes with left hand but failed as she fall side way on the bed and came face to face with sleeping Jimin beside her. She smile happily seating up patting Jimin stomach lightly " Dada! " but Jimin did not wake up and play with her.

She spotted Yeonie in Jimin arms so she snatch it back and hug Yeonie tightly into her chest " Mine mine! " she says. She sat there playing with Yeonie ears and shaking Yeonie around then sniff on Yeonie scent until it is around 9:05am when her stomach growled scaring her. She pout sadly looking at her stomach and pat on her stomach while calling Jimin. " Dada! " Hee Won used all her strength to grab Jimin's hands and place it on her stomach in hope it would feel better.

Suddenly the door was being open slowly, Hee Won thought it was monster so she lay down flat and hide her face using Yeonie. Jin poke his head in the room. He woke up to use the washroom and noticed the timing so he went to check on Hee Won who might be awake.

Hee Won peek out a little but Yeonie did not cover her completely so Jin caught her. He smile and walk towards the bed gently lifting Yeonie up a little. Their eyes met, Hee Won's eyes wide open staring at Jin as if she is a thief being caught. Jin smile but Hee Won looks like she is going to cry. So Jin played peek-a-boo with her using Yeonie to cover her then remove then cover her face again. She giggle happily and tried to snatch Yeonie back.

Jin gave Yeonie back to her, she immediately hug it tightly and move to sat on Jimin side. " Good morning Princess! " Jin greeted and remove her hair. He seat on the edge of the bed, " Are you hungry baby? " Hee Won shook her head and point at Jimin. " Dada! " she called. " Dada is sleeping. Baby come with me? We will make sandwich? " Hee Won shook her ahead again, " Dada come! " she said. " But Dada is tired and sleepy. Hee Won come with Dada Jin to take... Banana Milk? Hee Won like Banana milk? " Jin tried to convince her.

This time Hee Won nod her head excitedly at the mention of Banana Milk. " BaNa Da! " She said. " Yes Yes Banana~ " Jin sang happily and reached forward to carry Hee Won. Once in his arms, he walk towards the door but Hee Won started crying and screaming " Dada " as if Jin is trying to kidnap her.

" Hey, what happen baby? We are going to get Banana Milk right? " Jin comfort her

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" Hey, what happen baby? We are going to get Banana Milk right? " Jin comfort her. She shook her head and reach towards Jimin. Her loud crying have woken up Jimin as he seat up quickly and saw Hee Won in Jin's arm crying reaching for him. He kneels on his bed and sleepily reach for Hee Won, Jin pass her to Jimin. She quickly koala to Jimin font. " Why are you crying? Its okay. Its Jin Dada. " Jimin said and pat her back gently.

Jin fake cry and said " I did not kidnap her.. she agreed to get banana milk with me! " Jin explain but Jimin laugh at him. " I think she just regret agreeing for a moment, don't worry Hyung~ " Jimin said getting down the bed with Hee Won in his arms. " Lets go downstairs together. "

While they are going downstairs, Hee Won stomach growled once again. Hee Won look down at her stomach and said. " Dada lookie " she point at her tummy. " Monster " she said.

Jin and Jimin looked at her and laugh. Jimin tickle her stomach and said " Thats because you are hungry. You need food baby. When you hear this sound again, it means you are hungry okay? And you have to ask for food! " Jimin explain as she giggle from being tickle.

After Jin special recipe sandwich is done, they ate and watch television together. Halfway through the Disney movie, Jin has fallen asleep while Jimin is about to fall asleep but Hee Won grabbed Jimin hand asking him to see princess puppy. Jimin nodded sleepily to whatever she is saying. Hee Won suddenly noticed Yeonie is not around. She whine to Jimin, asking for Yeonie, when Jimin said " later okay? " Hee Won stomped her feet angrily. " No! Yeonie! "

Jimin had no choice but to carry her back to the room and bring Yeonie down. During the way, they met Tae who just went to the washroom. The three of them came down together. Jimin passed Yeonie to Hee Won once she is seated properly but was immediately snatch by Tae. As they then started a run and catch game as Jimin just watch sleepily. " What a great stamina in the morning... "  Jimin yawn and laid down.

At 3pm, the rest came down and saw the four of them (Jin, Jimin, Tae, Hee Won) sleeping at the living room sofa with toys everywhere and Disney movie playing as the background. " What kind of morning did they had " Suga comment and the rest laughed.

- To Be Continue -

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