19[Special] : Jinie is back!

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Previous: "Put me down Dada!" "No baby, you cannot run around in the car park, its dangerous" Jimin warn and told Tae to stop tickling her.

Hee Won pout sadly and beg once again with puppy eyes, "Please!" Jimin shake his head indicating no. "Its dangerous baby. I will put you down but you have to hold my hand okay? No running around for now" It was Hee Won turn to shake her head as no and said "Don't want". She lay her head down on Jimin's shoulder. "Yeonie please" Hee Won said. JungKook who was holding on to the plushie immediately pass it to her as she hugged it close to her face and sniff it.

After sniffing it, she push Yeonie straight into Jungkook face. "BaNa Da smell Yeonie too!" She giggle happily as JungKook make a funny reaction acting like it was smelly. "Yeonie smell so good!" Hee Won exclaim and push it to Jimin face. "Smell like laundry fabric softener, did Yeonie shower?" Jimin asked. "Yes yes! Woo woo aunt shower Yeonie!" She replied smiling happily.

"Tae Tae Dada!" Hee Won called as he was a little distance away from her reach. "Yes baby?" Tae answered and walk closer to her, she immediately push Yeonie to his face without letting him be prepared or reject the offer. "Smell Yeonie too!" She giggle cheerfully. "Oh no!" Tae acted like he was scared and stretch his arms out with a pout, "Baby Come to Tae Tae~ I miss you so much" Hee Won giggle and shake her head as a no, still teasing her Tae Tae Dada.

"Come to me! I will bring you to Hopie Dada! He has to smell Yeonie too." Tae said giggling. Hee Won thought for awhile before nodding her head rapidly. "Okay! To Hopie Dada!" Jimin shake his head at Tae mischievous plan to win Hee Won.

Tae carried Hee Won in his arms attacking her face with kisses, making her giggle loudly while her tiny palm tried to push his face away. "Nooooooo!" She whine and looked behind Tae and spotted someone. "Joonie DaDa save me!" Hee Won reach her hands out to RM who just arrived.

"Mission abort to save Hee Won" RM said playfully and quickly carried her over running a little distance away from Tae. Hee Won giggle happily clapping her hands. "Yay! We win!" She said. Tae pout, "I just manage to carry her Hyung!" Tae whine. "Too bad!" RM tease.

"Come on! Let's get going!" Manager shouted once he have ensure everyone have arrived. "Let's go Hee Won and leave grumpy Tae behind" RM said. "Yes yes! Grumpy!" Hee Won giggle pointing her fingers at Tae.

Upon reaching the training camp, everyone slowly get down from the car and security guard starts to gather around and be on stand by. Hee Won who shared a car with Jhope was last to arrive.

Jhope hold her left hand and guide her down the car while her right hand hold Yeonie closely. Hee Won slowly hop her way down the car step. "Baby, no jumping like a bunny. You will fall!" Jhope warn sternly, she pout.

Tae helped her wear a mask and fix her hair. "Okay! You are all done!" Tae said smiling. Hee Won look around her surrounding and suddenly dash towards the camp gate on full speed with her little feet. "Wait Hee Won!" Tae and Jhope shouted trying to catch her.

One of the body guard manage to catch up with her immediately, he scope her up in his arms and passed to JK who arrive shortly after. JK gently beating her bum. "Naughty baby! You have to wait for us!" JK said. The rest soon catch up with them.

Hee Won move around in JK arms trying to get down. "Put me down please!" She plead. Sensing that she did not think she is wrong RM said, "Park Hee Won! Do you think running away without waiting for us is correct?"

Hearing the strict tone, Hee Won scrunch up her face eyes welled up with tears and point towards the gate "Jinie DaDa inside.. Want go to Jinie..." she cried and hide her face in JK neck. "Oh baby..." They all mumble softly.

Everyone thought Hee Won was being playful for dashing away, they did not know she actually remember how the gate looked like as she only visited for three times. "Come here baby, Joonie Dada is sorry." RM said and hold her tiny palm in his. Hee Won lifted her head from JK's neck and looked at RM, she leap into his arms crying even louder than before. Their heart breaks at the sight.

Later on they settled near the car as many media is aiming their camera at the gate to wait for Jin arrival, some have also started live broadcast. After waiting for awhile, Hee Won patience seems to have been used up. She keeps on mumbling and whining that she want to be closer to the gate so she could see Jin once he is nearby.

But due to security reasons, it was advised to stay a distance away. They try to distract her with games, snacks and cartoon but those things only lasted for ten minutes. So Jimin and JK carried her to the front gate so she could see what's going on inside.

Near the gate Hee Won saw a lot of people wearing the same as her Jinie Dada when she last saw him, which makes her confuse. "Where is Jinie?" She asked. "I don't think Jinie is out yet baby" JK said. "When is he coming?" "Soon baby" Jimin replied. "Can we call Jinie DaDa to come faster?" "Baby, he have to say bye bye to everyone so it will take some time okay?" Jimin explain. "Okay..." Hee Won pout sadly and sniff Yeonie trying to comfort herself.

After waiting for awhile more they saw a bunch of people came out and suddenly formed into two lines and Jin appears to be giving each of them a hug. As they are wearing the same attire with hat, Hee Won cannot seems to recognize her Dada yet. Her both Dada with her kept quiet so Hee Won would not start to demand to get to him immediately.

When Jin is left with a few more recruits, Hee Won finally spotted him and shouted "JINIE DADA!!" JK immediately calm her down, "Baby don't shout okay? Dada is coming out very soon." Once the guards opened the gate, she squirm in Jimin arms, Jin ran a little and soon nodded his head slightly as a okay to let her down. He squat down and opened his arms for her as she ran to Jin as quick as her tiny legs can take her. "JINIE DADA!!!"

Recruits, guards and the reporter nearby all started laughing at her cute reaction. Jin pick her up and fly her high up in the sky. Hee Won giggle happily, "I miss you Jinie Dada!" Jin kiss her cheek, "And I miss you more little baby!"

Giving hugs to the members and waving to the people who were there to see him. They entered the car returning to office.

- To Be Continue -

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