Bullet Dodged! Sort of

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome to the first chapter of this new story! I hope you all are prepared to see the hijinks as well as other things within it that will make you all cringe, as well as tell me who you think should be the love interest for Midoriya Izuku within this world! Without any further ado, let's begin this story!

Living within Musutafu Prefecture, Japan was everything that Izuku liked about the country. He had lived here with his mother for the last few years of his middle school life before she was forced to move to the United States for a much better Job that paid well. She allowed Izuku to stay within Japan since he didn't really have any friends who lived with him, and that just allowed him to thug proof the home. He made sure that there was a 24/7 camera system installed within the few years that he had been living within the home his mother bought for him. And he spent all that time increasing security to the point of which we see it now, as he has a bunch of cameras outside on the Titanium walls of the property. Yes, he had bought enough Titanium in order to replace the concrete walls surrounding his home, he was that paranoid about robbers as well as thugs getting into his home. He also had bought more than a few weapons in order to protect himself in the hypothetical event that the world had gone to shit. Gathered enough supplies to last himself about 30 years on his own, even if he splurged on some other foods in the day. And now we see him doing his normal everyday routine as he prepared for his first day of school within a private institute that his mother had been able to get him into. She had hoped that placing her son within the wealthy's school of children higher intellect than him would allow him to converse with other's his age. And so, as Izuku placed the School Uniform on he opened the front door revealing his slim, yet muscular frame and his wild mane of green hair. People had thought that he died his hair to be black in the roots and green in highlights, but he kept informing people that his mother's hair was dark green whilst his fathers was black in color. The man was currently out on sea with the Military as they were testing some nuclear waste within the Oceans to see if dumping it in the Ocean would cause Marine Life to end fast. So far results were inconclusive. The man never contacted his family anyway so that was something that Izuku didn't really have to worry about. So as he left the home he lived in for the last few years, he left for the school to start his first day of school. 


And almost instantly for some reason he was hit with the worst case of a bad feeling as he felt his stomach churning when he was walking down the road. Thinking twice about his decision to go to school today, he just decided to just head back home and take the Truancy Day for himself. He didn't know why he had the sudden gut feeling to stay at home where it was hundreds of times safer than anything else, but he never stopped listening to his gut and wouldn't start now. And as he re-entered his home, he started on some small-time experiments that he had been doing to create a new kind of soda for him to drink that was safe to drink as well as healthy for the human body. For those experiments... like the nuclear testing for his father at the bottom of the Ocean, results were inconclusive... in the art of Explosions then it was a resounding success! His day just continued on without much of anything happening, and had he gone upstairs into the living room in order to watch the news like his mother asked him too many times in the past... he would've seen something bad happening to the world.

 And over the next few days, Izuku would have the bad feeling preventing him from leaving, and so he just decided to just head out on a food run after a few weeks in order to ride out whatever gut feeling he was getting. Within the end of the week, he would be sitting on the couch after a harsh workout session he had before he walked outside in order to start gathering some food and supplies. He had finally seen the news casters talking about the undead walking about the place taking control of the entire world. He saw that news cast about a week and a half prior as he got straight to setting up a garden after that day as he set up a gardener's spot in the backyard. So now that he was getting a lot more plants to make into canned food, he just only needed to leave the safety of his home in order to collect food and other supplies. He also raided some gun stores over the last few days in order to get all the weapons as well as ammo needed for most of the weapons he already had. Couldn't be too safe now, could he? So we now watch as he leaves the home with a katana on his left hand as well as wearing a lot of armor around his body. He could move fast with the Samurai Armor he had surrounding his frame, and if anything, he thought more of safety within armor than running around without any. His mission at the moment? To get some more pudding as well as some other baking supplies since he gets electricity from the Solar Pannels, he had gotten a year ago. Saving his mother a lot of money in terms of buying some other electric bills he could get from Japan as a whole. Leaving the gated area, he closed and locked the doors as he started to make his way as silently as possible with his armor towards the nearest big store. Walking down the road, he found that there wasn't any kind of undead blocking the way like they usually do. So he was left to his own devices as he found the strip mall that he and his mother used to visit together. He had last been in a call with her about a week ago when she was still evacuating from America to come back to Japan in order to get to him. But she never arrived, and Izuku from that day on only thought that only one thing happened, she had either gotten bitten by one of the undead... or she couldn't leave and was living on her own in the apocalypse. But enough about his missing mother, he had lasted this long without her, he can live even more without her! He may be a mother's boy, but he will make his own mother proud by being able to raid a small store without getting into too much danger. Entering the strip mall, Izuku went straight into the area where the food and produce were located. It was surprising with how much the food and vegetation had taken over the place only after a few weeks of being present in the building. It was also run down, so that also meant that they were getting dirt and much more for being capable of growth. He soon found the mix area where he could get some pudding mix and a few others he wanted to make. He took off his backpack taking anything and everything that was food related as he could before moving on to the next area. He didn't really have a need for milk, since he only relied on water and other things, so he never got cereal.  Exploring around the building gave him enough time to learn about the whereabouts of certain meats that were still edible within the freezers in the back. And as he continued to collect everything within the freezer, he was unaware of the fact that undead were closing in on the strip mall he was raiding. Once he had collected as much as he could to travel back home, it was then that he heard movement behind him and turning around he found a few undead making their way over to him. Pulling out his blade, he moved towards them and sliced their arms as well as legs off, before leaving them writhing on the ground. Moving towards the front of the store, he soon found the reason they were gathering around the building. A massive car was parked outside of it as a group were struggling to hold them all back from themselves. Making the split-second decision of saving the lives of the many rather than himself, he started to take down the undead and leave them on the ground limbless. As soon as he showed himself towards the group, they had aimed their weapons over at him as soon as his appearance was shown shocking them all. One of them took a hotshot at him, which just barely whizzed past his head as he had dodged in the last second causing them all to look at him in slight fear. "If you all want to get out of here alive, you will have me lead you all to an area where it is undoubtedly safe!" Izuku called out, as the group looked at one another before nodding. Jumping onto the hood of the vehicle he pointed in the direction that he needed them to go towards. Turning on the vehicle the woman in the driver's seat left the driver window open so that she could hear whatever turns she needed to make. Soon after a small drive away from the place where he was raiding, the group he was with marveled at the sight of his guarded home. "Welcome to my house, well just let me get off the car so I can unlock the driveway." Izuku said, his voice muffled in the Samurai Armor. Jumping off the car, he walked over to the gate and unlocked it before running over to the driveway gate. Unlocking the mechanism, he allowed it to automatically draw away from its closed form allowing the woman to drive into the driveway. Once they were all within the driveway, they all started to let out a sigh of relief as Izuku now stood in front of them still in his armor. "Hello friends! Welcome to my home! I don't know how long you wish to stay here, but just know that if you want a full course meal tonight, then you are in luck!" Izuku said, pulling off his helmet showing himself to the group. Once his face was shown some of the women there looked at him with confusion before the blonde woman stared at him for a moment trying to recognize him. "Who are you again? I feel as if I know you." The woman asked, as Izuku smiled at her. "Well sorry for not stating it earlier, but my name is Midoriya Izuku! And as I said before... welcome to me casa!" Izuku said, happily. He started to walk away as the woman smiled in recognition of the name as she started to jump around the area. "Oh my god! I never knew you were okay! You called in sick the day the whole undead army came out of the ground!" The woman said, causing Izuku to look at her cautiously. "What are you talking about?" Izuku asked, as the woman introduced herself. "Sorry Midoriya-kun, my name is Marikawa Shizuka, I am the school Nurse you frequented after your little experiments at school." Marikawa said, as Izuku recognized her. "Oh! Sorry for being a nuisance for you during those days." Izuku said rubbing the back of his head. "Don't worry Midoriya-chan, I hope you can allow us to stay here as long as we need in order to regroup from what happened at our last bastion of home." Marikawa said, as Izuku nodded. "Sure thing! You all can stay as long as you wish. I just got some things I need to do in the basement, it's pretty dangerous so if you all go down there, just make sure to wear anything that will protect your arms or legs." Izuku said, as he entered the home. "What do you think he means by that?" A boy with a red shirt questioned holding a baseball bat. over his shoulder asked.

Deep within the confines of Izuku's home basement, the young man in question was doing some experiments on an infected individual. "Alright, so the component compound of the virus is deeply ingrained into the brain. Allowing the individual to reanimate from being fully dead but regresses the host into something that is more attuned to carnal instincts. There hasn't been a zombie out there that hasn't fucked anyone so that's good. Can't have perverted Zombies now can we." Izuku muttered to himself as he checked some blood out and looked over at a small set of cures. He was in the middle of an experiment when a young man in glasses with a woman in glasses had arrived in the room only to see the experimentation. "Woah, you are conducting experiments on the undead!? Isn't that kind of against morals?" The boy asked, as he marveled at the infected individual completely locked to the table. "Yup, and they are the only test subject that I've had on hand. And before you ask, I just got a zombie from the street and led them down here in my armor and locked them up. I didn't turn someone before giving them whatever was inside the Zombies." Izuku said, causing the glasses girl to sigh in relief. "What are you doing anyway?" The girl asked, as Izuku lifted his head from his test subject. "I'm seeing if whatever cure that I am mixing with other diseases will help combat the undead virus." Izuku said, as he scooted away from the undead lying on the table groaning softly. "What did you do to make it so docile?" The young man asked, as Izuku stared at him. "It will still try to bite you or me, I just made sure that it will allow me to do some experiments by placing it under a lot of morphine." Izuku said, as he stood up and stretched. "Well what cures have you made so far?" The girl questioned as Izuku smiled. "Well nothing yet, just some things that I've just added together to do what I think will happen. I add some White blood cells in order to fight off the disease from myself by having my blood mixed with the undead and then watch from a microscope in order to see how fast it takes to turn my blood into infected blood." Izuku said, as he twirled a scalpel in his hand. "Sounds like fun! I'm Kohta Hirano! Nice to meet you Midoriya!" The boy said, as Izuku smiled. "Nice to meet you as well Hirano-san, who are you miss?" Izuku asked, as the girl blushed slightly and looked away. "Takagi Saya. Nice to meet you." She said, as Izuku looked confused. "Huh, never thought that I'd meet a Tsundere before." Izuku said, as Kohta looked at the two for a moment. "WHO ARE YOU CALLING A TSUNDERE!" Takagi called out, as she chased Izuku up the stairs. Kohta had followed the two up the stairs as the camera pans back to a small vault within the wall showing the viewers the many other vials of 'cures' Izuku had made in the past building up to this point. And on the wall, it showed... 'failed cures.'

A/N That is the end of the chapter! I hope you all are prepared for the next chapter if you all manage to read this story that is. I know that making another zombie story is weird and all but I wanted to make a small crossover where Izuku is a scientist in training who just wants to end the plague around the world. Now for the fact that Izuku hasn't gone to the school in order to start the actual lifestyle within the undead apocalypse, I wanted to make sure that some weeks had passed by for him. And have him interact with the H.O.T.D cast before they all need to leave. With that all said and done, get this story up to around 30 reads if you all want another chapter, and at least 50 reads if you all want to turn this into a full story! See you all later!

2805 Words!

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