Setting up Defenses

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of this story! I hope you all are prepared for the announcement for the ship of this story! The ship was only given by two people, and I am proud to tell you all that the ship is IzuSaeko! I hope you all have a great weekend, and I will see you all at the end of the chapter!

Izuku woke up the next morning feeling something trying to cover his face. He had no clue what it was exactly but as he opened his eyes, he found that he was being given the infamous Breast pillow. More or less, his face was being motorboated by the chest of Saeko Busijima as she hugged him close to her chest. His face was slowly growing a blush as he held the facial expression of complete calm but was suffering from internal screaming inside his head. As he attempted to get off of Saeko's chest, he unfortunately had accidentally placed his had around her back and squeezed her ass cheeks. Saeko let out a breathy moan causing something within Izuku to just freeze entirely as he stared into the now awakened eyes of Saeko as she looked into his own emerald-colored eyes. Then she did something that made him worry for his future as a scientist dream that he'd made for himself. 

She smiled.

"So... are you going to keep your hand on my ass? Or are you going to do something more?" Saeko questioned with a smirk as Izuku let go. "S-Sorry! I-I didn't mean to t-touch you there!" Izuku said, getting off of her. "Damn, I was really hoping that you'd do something." Saeko said, actually pouting. "W-Well, we've only known one another for a f-few days! I-I can't do anything that wrong to you r-right now!" Izuku said, defending himself. "Don't worry, I won't tell~" Saeko said, as she leaned forward giving Izuku a good view of her chest. "I-I would rather get back to my research." Izuku said, looking away with a blush. "Alright, well I will be setting up some defenses with Takashi later today. If you want to assist in doing that with us, do make a call." Saeko said, as she stood up from the bed.

When she stood up, she walked over to where her clothes were located and slowly put them on as she felt Izuku's eyes trail over her body. She smirked to herself as she felt Izuku's face look away as he moved to where his clothes were located as he placed his clothing over his body. It was funny for her because she could hear him muttering to himself about how the female body shouldn't be used as a weapon. When she was gone though, Izuku started muttering about how he should make sure that he avoids her for a while. He doesn't want what happened this morning to become a routine like thing between him and Saeko.


Standing in the science section of the mall, Izuku was collecting some things for making his vaccines with the information he had. He needed to make sure that the vaccination could be done so that he could heal the undead from the suffering they were being given. He knew that there was a virus that was placed all over the world by those who were scientists as well. So it takes a scientist to make a disease to know how to stop one, and he kept to himself on the upper floors of the mall. 

As he was up there searching for a vaccination for the virus affecting the undead, Saeko and the rest of their friends were fixing up the doors and entrances to the mall with defenses. They barricaded the different areas with a lot of furniture as well as many other heavy items from the mall itself. But the only place they left somewhat less defended was the stairway into the parking garage since they needed a place to escape from the undead should the mall fall. As they were preparing for any kind of attack from the undead, they were talking with one another about Izuku's presence inside the mall.

"So what are your opinions on Izuku?" Takashi questioned his friends. "What about him?" Saeko asked, confused. "I know for a fact that he's not to be entirely trusted. For all we know he could've accidentally started this whole mess." Takashi reasoned as everyone nodded. "There's a slight issue with your accusation Takashi." Saeko said, as the young man looked at her to continue. "When we found Izuku, he was already in the process of trying to stop it. So the simple accusation of him being the one to create this mess, don't you think it'd be impossible if he didn't have a vaccination by now if he was the one to start all of this?" Saeko questioned. "You're right. Sorry, just being very cautious about him. You know how he gets during his research Saeko; he needs the undead in order to study them. That's not really self-preservation behavior." Takashi said, as everyone nodded. "Sure, but that only means he's doing his best in order to save the world through his research." Saeko said, as everyone just decided to drop that accusation. "Alright, now for everything else. Is the south side of the building properly defended?" He asked, pulling a piece of paper that held everything they'd done. "Yes, it is completely blocked off by furniture that we brought from the top floor." Marikawa said, as Takashi nodded. "And the North?" He questioned. "It's good, we covered it with papers as well as many other furniture from the top floor as well." Takagi stated as she flipped her hair. "Okay, how about the East and West?" Takashi said, looking at the list. "It's all good Takashi, I made sure that they were properly barricaded as well as covered with wood when Midoriya-kun came down to help." Hirano said, as Takashi nodded. "Any other news about the weapons in this place? The gun shops?" Takashi asked, as Rei spoke up. "There's a gun store in the South quadrant of the mall. So we only need to get the keys in order to be capable of entering the place." Rei said, as she held her broken staff. "Alright that appears to be everything we need for setting up our defenses. By the way, how's the greenhouse doing?" Takashi said, as he looked to Saeko. "It's going fine Takasi, it's slowly providing starts in terms of vegetables." She said, as Takashi nodded.

As the group disbanded from the middle of the mall, Saeko moved to where Izuku was last known to be for his vaccination research. As soon as she found him in the office, she found him writing down some new formulas for his research. It appeared as though he seemingly made a breakthrough in his research for making his vaccination research. Izuku looked up at Saeko as the young woman had watched him from the doorway of his office as Izuku smiled. 

"Anything you wish to talk about?" Izuku asked, working on his notes. "Well I wanted to know if you were free at the moment." Saeko said, as Izuku looked up. "I'm busy at the moment, but I might take a break in a little while. What's up?" Izuku said, as Saeko stared at him for a moment. "Well, I would like to make love to you." Saeko said, as she could feel as though a record scratch happened. "Y-Y-You-I-What!?" Izuku asked, his face suddenly blushing madly. "I meant what I said. You look good for someone who apparently doesn't know how to fight, not to mention that you are a desirable young man to want to... do things with." Saeko said, as Izuku started to cough. "Well, I... why me? Don't you have Takashi and Hirano for that kind of thing. Not that I'm telling you to do it with them." Izuku asked, as he started to ramble. "Why would I go to them when I have someone, I like right in front of me?" Saeko asked, as she was now in front of his desk. 

She was leaning over the desk showing off her ample cleavage as Izuku struggled to keep eye contact with her. As he leaned back a bit, Saeko moved forward a bit as she held a smile on her face as she moved around the table. As soon as she was right in front of Izuku's sitting form, she moved to sit on his lap as she rubbed her lower body on his. She was letting out small gasps of air as she rubbed herself on him before she opened her shirt so that she could give him a good view. And as soon as she felt his lower head start to peek himself out as if to say hello, she found that Izuku was now in her grasp. Izuku was now looking at her deeply, and he was exploring her body with his eyes although he kept his hands to his side instead of touching her. 

So in order to make sure he could start touching her, she grabbed his arms and placed them in her shirt above her breasts. As soon as she placed his hands on her breasts, she felt his fingers twitch slightly as she watched the color of his eyes dull somewhat before he pushed her against the desk. She breathed heavily as she waited for him to use her as he saw fit, she saw that he needed to let out some stress that he was suffering from. But for some reason she found him only staring into her eyes as he let out a sigh before fixing her shirt and skirt.

"As much as I would like to do this, I can't. I need to find out the cure to this whole mess, if I don't then what was this all for?" Izuku said, as Saeko mentally cursed. "Well we can do it later, when you decide to go to bed. I will be waiting." Saeko said, as she walked away. 

She swayed her hips as she left the room as Izuku's eyes stayed on her rump the entire time until she closed the door. Once she was gone however, Izuku just let out a sigh of relief as he sat back down in the seat he was at for his research. 

"I can't believe I almost lost myself to those sexual desires. I know that I'm around the age to be doing that with girls my age, but I need to focus my time on my research." Izuku said, as he shook his head.

A/N That is the end of the chapter! I hope you all are prepared for the next one to come out in the next 5 years! Just kidding, it will come out when I find the time to make another chapter for this story. Things are going to get very busy for things outside of this platform because I need to pay enough attention to things around the house. So I hope you all have a great weekend, and I will see you all later! Chao~

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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