Leaving Home

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of Izuku within the world of High School of the Dead! I hope you all enjoyed the previous two chapters as much as I did, I was getting ideas on how to progress the story without it seeming like it was plagiarizing other storylines from video games or shows. So I hope you all are ready for this chapter/story and all places mentioned within this story belong to their rightful owners and let's begin the chapter!

Izuku left the basement of his home as he went to collect some things the next morning for his vaccination tests. He had been going at this for more than a few days at a time in order to find the correct vaccination for the undead. But nothing was coming up for him from his research, he had noticed how one of his vaccinations had worked on the small rats that had been given the vaccination and was given the undead virus... but it only worked for a few days before the rat died due to unforeseen side effects. As it turns out, the undead virus that turned most of the human population does not like vaccinations trying to kick them out and put their all in destroying it completely. So Izuku was back to square one as he sat at the table within the kitchen eating some cereal. Letting out a sigh of frustration, he just thought about everything that had gone wrong for this to happen. Looking out the window he found that the amount of undead nearing his home had been increasing in the last few months. The cities were running out of prey for the undead, and it was only a matter of time before his home would be overrun with the undead forcing him to leave. Finishing his breakfast he had grabbed his Samurai Armor and left the house to... work out some of his frustrations. 

It was during the time that Izuku had left his home, Saeko had left her bedroom that was given to her and searched around for Izuku. She found solace in the fact that he could talk to her for hours about other's and their strengths and weaknesses. So much so that he wrote down each and every person's stat in a notebook every single day apparently, and from what she had heard from the young man... the only weakness she had was children. Facing off against children back when she was with Takashi all alone had made her very nervous whenever facing off against the undead. She didn't know whether or not to end their suffering or just to leave them walking around constantly in pain and suffering. Out of everyone to help her through that moment of weakness, Izuku had noticed how she had been very out of place whenever Takashi would converse with his allies about how Saeko wouldn't lay a finger on the undead children. And Izuku saw to it, to make sure that she was mentally alright... only for the young woman to find out that she had a form of sympathy as well as pitied the children for not being able to defend themselves against the undead. So now she was walking through the house as she prepared breakfast for everyone, the place they lived completely safe from the- "GATHER EVERYONE IMMEDIATELY! WE ARE LEAVING!" A terrified voice called out from the front door.


Izuku had been outside for more than an hour at this point, he had been taking his frustrations out on the undead for his failures of finding a vaccine. He had taken down hundreds of undead whilst making sure that his blade didn't get too worn out from taking heads from their bodies. Izuku stood in front of a massive horde that just didn't seem to have an end as he readied his blade in order to thin them out even just a little. He cut, slashed, decapitated, and dismembered many of the undead before he was running on fumes for energy. He had long since thrown up his breakfast at how much undead there was moving towards his home, and he saw that it had thinned out just a bit so that they could leave the place. "Sorry mom, I can't stay at our home much longer. It will be overrun without your presence there with us, I can only hope that you're not on your way here right now." Izuku muttered before turning around and running back to his home. He was in such a rush that he had never thought that he had gone so far from his home on foot when he arrived at the house, and it was already nearing noon. "Shit, I had spent too much time out here." Izuku cursed to himself before opening the gate and slamming the door open. As soon as the door slammed open, Izuku screamed out for everyone to hear him. "GATHER EVERYONE! WE ARE LEAVING!" Izuku called out, waking everyone up. Saeko had exited the kitchen wearing an apron as she stared at the battered and exhausted Izuku and ran to him. "Are you alright!? What happened!" Saeko asked, as everyone exited the rooms they slept in. "THE UNDEAD ARE COMING, WE NEED TO LEAVE! WE NEED TO LEAVE NOW!" Izuku called out, running to the food pantry. Once that was stated, everyone had gotten their things together as well as gathered some food and supplies for themselves. It was nearing around 2 o'clock in the afternoon when everyone was packed up and prepared to leave. Izuku was pouring gasoline from one of his many gas cans within the house that had been put inside the military vehicle. As soon as he poured the last of it into his yard leading to the vehicle, he pulled out a match and dropped it on the gasoline as it caught flames. Jumping into the vehicle with the others, they stepped on the gas and pulled away from the home as it went up in flames not too long after. Izuku had managed to gather all his medical supplies in order to create vaccines as well so he wouldn't have to worry about starting from scratch again. The group were driving down the road as Izuku pulled up a map for them to use from his backpack. "You are just prepared for everything aren't you?" Takashi asked, as Izuku nodded. "We have to be prepared for any kind of apocalypse that comes our way. But as of right now, there is a mall just a few miles away from here. We can stay there until we can find anything else about where we can find safety." Izuku said, as everyone nodded.

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