Calm before the Storm

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of Izuku within Highschool of the Dead! I am so glad that you all have given this story all the reads it had received! You have all surprised me with how you all managed to reach over a tenth of a thousand reads in just a week of being on the website! Just for that, I will release this chapter for you all to enjoy! Sorry no picture this week!

Izuku left the basement of his home as he went towards the kitchen in order to prepare some dinner for the group of people. He had noticed that they had a clear leader within their group and had been keeping an eye on him since the young man was older and more experienced in fighting. So as the young man was making dinner, he started to listen in on their conversation about whatever they would do now. "So what is the plan now Takashi? We need to make sure that we find a place that is safe enough from outside threats, as well as inside threats." Saeko said, as she sat on the couch. "I don't know, as of right now this place is safe enough for everyone. So we don't really need to think about that as of right now, all we need to do is help Midoriya-kun in keeping this place as safe as possible." Takashi said, as Izuku continued to cook. "What if this guy is crazy like our teacher from school?" Rei asked, as the girl stared at Izuku's back as he cooked. "What are you talking about? He seems more like someone who is a survivalist than anything else." Takashi asked, confused as Saya spoke up. "Well he does have a zombie in the basement. That has something to do with how safe this place is." The young lady said, as Takashi looked at Izuku. "What do you mean he has a zombie in the basement?" Takashi asked, glowering. "He has been doing experiments on it in order to find some cure to the undead we face out there every day." Saya said, as Hirano nodded along. "If he's doing experiments on the undead, then that doesn't mean he is doing anything that is putting us in danger then?" Takashi asked, looking at Marikawa. "Yeah, Midoriya-kun doesn't work on his experiments in order to hurt others. In fact the only thing he might ask is for a sample of blood for his experiments. That's all." Marikawa said, looking at Izuku with a sad smile. "Why would he ask for our blood? Isn't that something showing as a sign of insanity?" Saya questioned. "No, he mainly uses the blood in order to further his research about viruses within the human body as well as outside the world. His mother is a renowned Scientist within America." Marikawa said, informing them about Izuku's mother. "So his mother works as a scientist, what is she like some kind of CDC member from America?" Takashi asked, as Izuku entered the room with food. "Yes, she raised me to learn everything I could about the human body as well as the diseases that could kill it. Whilst she was in America when this whole thing started, she had made sure that I prepared in advance so that I could keep our home safe." Izuku said, setting the plates down. "This doesn't have human meat within it, does it?" Rei questioned as Izuku gave a disgusted face. "I may be somewhat crazy as a scientist, but I am not a cannibal. And if you must know, I prefer to eat Katsudon thank you very much." Izuku said, placing his bowl of it on the table.


Later on, that night, Izuku was seen in his lab as he overlooked everything within it preparing for a new cure to be made. He had all the ingredients in order to create a beta vaccine so that he could test it out on the undead. Combining the viruses of Rabies as well as Measles, he looked at the new form of it from within his own little Hazmat suit. Swirling the small vial of liquified Rabies and Measles combination, he started to create the vaccine for it as he placed the virus combination within the Zombie. As he watched the monster froth at the mouth as well as start to show signs of Measles within itself, Izuku pulled some blood from the creature and looked at it under a microscope. As he kept a very close eye on the undead cells as well as the virus cells, he watched as both viruses had clashed in the middle. And to Izuku's surprise, the undead virus had killed the Measles/Rabies combination virus which brought Izuku back to step one again. "*Sigh* I wonder when I will come across the vaccine for the undead. All I'm trying to do is find it and see if I can mass produce it." Izuku sighed as he got back to work. Unbeknownst to him, Marikawa was watching him from behind the door's window as he continued his work.

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