Never Alone

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One POV:

The loop reset and I found myself in my room. I look around and I still admire how it was decorated to be a luxury hotel room.

One: Can't think of a better place to wake up.

I stand up and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and straighten my hair. Don't want to look messy from getting out of bed. I go to the bookshelf and pull out a book titled "The Sword Princess". The shelf opens and reveals a hidden room. I sit on a luxury chair and wonder about the parts of my past I still can't remember.

One: Sword Princess. Why does that sound so familiar? Same for Rabbit Foot. But I feel like Zero is more of that Argonaut he told me about. I guess I have to break the loop to find out.

I get in the teleporter and set it for the Complex. Can't leave Zero waiting.

Zero POV:

I go to the Complex and look at begin looking for any clues leading to Julianna. Wenjie and Egor will go to Alexis' party at night, Charlie and Fia will be in that facility on Fristad Rock in the afternoon, Harriet will be taken care of during her sermon in the morning, and Frank will be blown to pieces by his fireworks once we sabotage them. All that's left is finding Julianna, although I have a feeling where she might me.

I soon get a call from her on my helmet. Speak of the Devil.

Zero: You got Zero.

Julianna: What is with you and One joining Colt in this? This whole place is so much fun. We are free to do whatever we want without consquences. Any problems you made will be undone by the next day.

Zero: This place is a cage, Julianna. It's doing no one favors. Not even you.

Julianna: Don't act like you know me. Then again, I guess you despise any cage after what you've been through.

Zero: What do you know about my past?

Julianna: Yeah, I prefer not to say that filth with my own mouth. You'll find out on your own.

Julianna cuts off and I go to where we started looking for the LPP. I see the doors on the side of the control room are not sealed off and enter them. Inside are Eteranlists trying to figure out a power generator on Wenjie's orders. I kill them all using the Factured Destiny blades and clean the room.

I hear footsteps and turn aim my sword at them and found out it's just One.

Zero: Oh, sorry One.

One: No worries dear. I'd be dissapointed if you didn't assume the worst. So what is this place.

Zero: Some kind of Power Plant. Although judging by the ports in these Generators, they beed batteries to activiate.

One: A power generator that needs power to generate? That's just stupid.

Zero: I think they just use the energy in the battery as a kickstarter and enhance it by a larger amount.

One: It's still stupid.

I find a battery and put it into the charger in the other room and use it to activate the generators. We go to the control room above us and press the button labeled "Complex". I have a feeling I know what it powered up.

Zero: Let's check out the sealed room upstairs.

We leave the room and see the sealed doors now have power. We enter it and several words appear floating in front of us.

"We were wronged". "This world messed us up". "Broken beyond repair". "But do we want to go back?". 

Zero: So us and Colt are the only ones who can see these things. But why is that so?

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