3~I love school!

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Shigure made the decision, after plenty of begging from (Y/N) and Tohru, to allow (Y/N) to go to school.


"(Y/N), you don't need to follow me around like a lost puppy," Shigure says, looking at (Y/N) who is following him wherever he goes around the house.

"Please let me go to school!" (Y/N) says with puppy eyes.

Tohru looks over to see how (Y/N) is begging Shigure and runs over to help her.

"Shigure, I will take care of her! No harm will come her way, I promise!" Tohru says confidently.

"You two are so much to handle sometimes..." Shigure says with a sigh before putting his hands on (Y/N)'s shoulders.

"If I allow you to go, you must be in Yuki, Kyo, or Tohru's sight at all times, understand?" Shigure says and (Y/N) nods happily.

"It's like a more air-headed version of Tohru is roaming around the house..." Kyo says with a chuckle.


"(Y/N) come on! It's time-Huh?" Tohru looks beside her, about to wake up (Y/N), but realizes she isn't there.

Tohru quickly gets out of bed to go look around for (Y/N), only to see her sitting at the door like a dog waiting for its owner.

"Tohru! Is it time to go yet!?" (Y/N) asks with an excited blush on her face.

"(Y/N)...You look so cute in that uniform!!!" Tohru says rushing to hug the girl.

As Tohru hugs (Y/N), Shigure pops his head out to see the two, chuckling at the sight before him.

"(Y/N), why are you ready so early?" Shigure says with a smile.

"Well...I couldn't sleep all night! I was too excited so I got dressed early and even made breakfast for everyone!" (Y/N) says with an excited smile, pointing to the breakfast she made in the kitchen.

"Oh my gosh, how can someone be so adorable!?" Tohru says, squeezing her once again as Kyo and Yuki walk down.

"Miss Honda, you're gonna choke her if you do this every time she speaks," Yuki says and Kyo nods.

"Not like I'm agreeing with the rat...But she is going to suffocate at one point because you squeeze her at any little action she does." Kyo says and Tohru chuckles in embarrassment.


After everyone ate the food (Y/N) made, which was delicious, Tohru, Kyo, Yuki, and (Y/N) all left the house, walking to school together.

"Woah! Look at the pretty flowers!" (Y/N) says pointing to the lavenders.

"Yes, those are very nice (Y/N)," Yuki says with a soft smile.

"Can you guys hurry it up?" Kyo says.

"O-Oh! I'm sorry!" (Y/N) says quickly and Kyo's face softens.

"No need to say sorry..." He says with a slight chuckle.

As the four finally get to their school, (Y/N) looks around back and forth, her eyes lightening at all the people.

"Woah! So many people!" (Y/N) says with a bright smile before Yuki grabs her arm, leading her to the classroom that she would be in. (Y/N) was originally in a different class, but Shigure had made some arrangements.

"You don't gotta drag her like a dog, stupid rat," Kyo says rolling his eyes, as he and Tohru follow the other two.

"Shut your mouth," Yuki says as they arrive at their class.

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