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Wills POV:
I got up and went to go grab the ice creams. I wave at Robin and grab all the ice creams but I was kinda struggling. "Do you need help with that?" Robin asks me chuckling as she grabs some ice creams out of my hand. "Ha ha yea I definitely can't carry all of this." I say chucking with her as we both walk back to the table. Once we get there everyone is talking together about something and they all stop and look up to see me and Robin holding the ice creams. "Hey guys I got the ice creams!" I say handing them out as well as Robin. "Thanks bro! Man I'm starving." Lucas says while grabbing his ice cream. "If you were so hungry why don't u get a real meal?" Max says giggling a little as el joined her as they both grab there spoons to eat the ice cream they are sharing (idk☠️) I sit down back into my spot as Robin goes back to go behind the counter again. "For once I agree with u max." Dustin says already eating his ice cream. "Oh come on Dustin you're supposed to be on my side!" Lucas says nudging his arm a bit. "Yea I'm on your side but you don't eat ice cream if you're starving." "That's the smartest thing you said all day Dustin." Mike says almost finished with his ice cream as he was a fast eater. Everyone bursts into laughing including me. "Wow okay funny funny. Yk will I thought u would be the least to have laughed at me." I calm down and look over at Dustin. "I-I'm sorry but it was funny u have to admit it." I say leaning back into the seat. "Yea." El says joining in (damn finally girl is talking)

3rd person.


Everyone was finished with there life creams and we're heading out of scoops ahoy. Mike couldn't get over the fact that he thought Lucas and Dustin heard him. When actually they were looking over at Steve fixing his hair. (Idk..) "hey Mike!" El nudges him and Mike shoots up from his thoughts. "Y-yea what?" "Everyone wants to spilt." El says pointing to everyone. Mike looks up as everyone is staring at them. "Why are we splitting up?" Mike asks staring at all of them. "We want to go different places. Me,el and will want to go shopping for awhile then go to the arcade. And then Dustin and Lucas want to go to the arcade first then shop. So who do you want to join Mike?" Max says grabbing will and els hand. Mike didn't want to leave will but he also didn't want to shop first. Mike sighs. "I'll go with Dustin and Lucas." Everyone nods and they go their separate ways.


Lucas and Dustin were battling each other to see who would die first in pac man as Mike was playing a random game cause he was almost out of points. Then he feels a tap on his shoulder and he turns around to see Dustin. "Hey man are you alright? U seem kinda emo." Dustin asks. "Oh yea I'm fine!" Mike shoots back with a smile. Dustin and Lucas exchange looks then Dustin looks back at Mike. "Hey by the way can we talk to you about something?" Dustin says. "Sure?.." Mike follows Dustin and Lucas to the 'storage room' and Mike sits down on like a seat thingy or whatever as well as Lucas and Dustin shuts and locks the door behind them also taking a seat. Dustin and Lucas infront of Mike.

" you..." Lucas asks but then gets cut off by Dustin.

"Like will? Like not as a friend but as...

A lover?."


I love you. (Byler/will powers) (discontinued/most popular one yet😱)Where stories live. Discover now