No way.

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"'re saying you saw me set the guards on fire?" Will asks as el nods "I think you have fire manipulation..." el explains as the party all stares at them. " will can help us now!" Mike says before max pushes her elbow on him. "Mike. He dosent even know how to use them I don't think we are just going to throw him in the battlefield to let him die!?" Max says twitching her eye at him as he scoff and turns away and Lucas heard a quiet sorry. "Okay. So now that we know about will can we talk about why the lab is coming back??" Dustin asks "oh yeah. I think they want el back, yk how she like escaped?" Will says "but they haven't looked for el I'm so long why now?" Lucas says. "Maybe something big is coming! Like like something they need supernatural." As Dustin says supernatural he points at will and el. "Kids. To fight it!" "Dustin that's so stupid but smart at the same time." Max days before Mike jumps into the conversation. "Or. They just want el back to run more test on her, and maybe will to-" max covers Mikes mouth before he can finish his sentence. Will and el look at each other and then look up. "You guys feel that or is it just me?" Everyone then slowly turns to will and el. "What?.." Lucas says before they hear helicopters and screeching. "WHAT THE FUCK!?" Mike screams as the roof suddenly crashes and a long slimy black leg with claws is in the middle of the room as everyone screams and the monster falls more into the house. They all look over and see the lab guards pulling the monster by a string, el rushes over to help and will try's to grab her but misses. He watches as she runs to help.


"EL!" Max holds will back from running and everyone rushes out of the house and into the back yard. Will watches as el gets further and further until he kicks max and runs. Max groans and will apologizes before rushing to el to see her nose all blood and the creature still not getting pulled. Before will could reach el she passes out and the creatures about to grab her when wills telekinesis kicks in and he pushes her out of the way. "EL EL! ARE YOU OKAY? EL TALK TO ME.." will grabs el and tries to wake her up but she's out cold. Not dead just unconscious. "El.." will picks her up and rushes away from the guards and goes back to the group only to see they aren't there.



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