Chapter 12

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I finally decide to drive back home and you must imagine my surprise when I see a familiar curly head girl walking alone on the side of the road. I stop beside her and she looks like she's about to use her powers on me. "Woah. Calm yourself. It's just me." She sighs before getting in the car. "What are you doing out of the cabin? Dad is gonna kill you." "I needed to see him." "See who?" I already know the answer but I wanna hear it from her. "Mike. He was with a girl." I shrug. "It probably didn't mean anything."

"I made her fall of the wooden thing she was riding on." "El, why?" She ignores my question. "He cared about her." "Maybe he's just a nice person, El." We get to the cabin and Dad is standing outside waiting. I look at her. "Good luck." She nods before going in and walking straight past him. He storms after her and I go in the house closing both doors. "Friends don't lie." "Isn't that your bullshit saying? Hey, hey! Hey! Don't walk away from me!" 

She tries to slam her door but he catches it before it shuts. "Where'd you go on your little field trip, huh? Where?" She doesn't answer. "Did you go see Mike?" "He didn't see me." "Yeah, well, that mother and her daughter did and they called the cops. Now, did anyone else see you? Anyone at all? Come on, I need you to think!" "Nobody saw me!" He paces a little. "You put us in danger. You realize that, right?" "You promised... I go! And I never leave! Nothing ever happens!" 

He glares at her. "Yeah! Nothing happens and you stay safe!" She flinches as he bangs his hand on the cupboard. She moves forward. "You lie!" " I don't lie! I protect and I feed and I teach! And all I ask of you is that you follow three simple rules. Three rules. And you know what? You can't even do that!" He walks away back to the living room. I make myself a sandwich quietly. He turns back to El. "You're grounded. You know what that means? It means no Eggos..." He throws the Eggos out of the fridge and I dodge them. Jesus. 

"And no TV for a week." He tries to move the TV but it won't budge. El is holding it down with her powers. He turns to her. "All right, knock it off. Let go." She shakes her head. "Okay. Two weeks." He tries again but she still won't budge. "Let go!" She shakes her head again. "A month!" "No!" "Well, congratulations. You just graduated from no TV for a month to no TV at all!" He unplugs the TV. "No! No! No. No!" She runs forward and starts messing with the antennas. Clueless baby. 

"You have got to understand that there are consequences to your actions." "You are like Papa!" I gasp. "Really? I'm like that psychotic son of a bitch? Wow! All right. You wanna go back in the lab? One phone call. I can make that happen." "I hate you!" "Yeah, well, I'm not so crazy about you, either. You know why? 'Cause you're a brat. You know what that word means? How about that be your word of the day, huh? Brat. Why don't we look it up? B-R-A-T. Brat." He tosses her the dictionary but she stops it mid-air before hurling it at him. 

"Hey! What the hell is wrong with you?" He starts moving towards her and El moves the couch to hit him in his side. "Hey!" She storms away. "Hey!" She knocks over the bookshelf. "Hey!" She slams the door locking it. He runs to the door banging on it. "Open this door! Open the damn door! You wanna go out in the world? You better grow up! Grow the hell up!" She screams and all of a sudden all the windows in the house explode. Tiny shards of glass come towards and I cower as some hit me. Dad runs towards. "Oh, shit. Val? Are you okay?" 

I nod. "I'm fine. I'm fine." He takes me to the bathroom before cleaning me up. He looks at my face closely. "Why are your eyes so red?" I shrug. "Sweetie, were you crying before you got home?" I shrug again. "Don't worry about me. I'm fine. I just had a hard day." He looks at me. "You know you can talk to me about anything, right?" I nod. "I know. I just don't wanna talk about it right now." He nods. "Well, when you're ready, I'll listen." I nod. "I love you, Dad." He smiles.  "I love you more, kid." 

The next day, Eddie won't even look at me. It hurts me. Steve comes running up and I force myself to look away from Eddie. "Where's Nancy?" I shrug. "I don't know. She just asked me to cover for her." "Do you know what for?" I look at him weirdly. "No..." "According to Tommy H, she's ditched school with Jonathan." I roll my eyes. "You're really gonna believe that douchebag." "Well, it makes sense. They're both not at school." My eyes widen. "Seriously?" He nods. The last time those two spent an enormous amount of time together, something supernatural was at play. This can't be good. 

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