The New Cycle of Great Britain and Ireland

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Remnants of the City of Inverness

Northern Isles: "Finally, I don't have to suffer in those Claustrophobic Bunkers anymore..."


Northern Isles: "Anyways, I wonder... Are there any Survivors left on this Isles of Nothingness?"


Northern Isles: "Whatever, I'll just improved my Economy"


Greater London Area

Crown of London: "Finally... Come Out Friends!"

Crown of Westminster: "Fresh Air!"

Royal State of K.C.H.F: "Not exactly Fresh, It's still Radioactive."

Hounslow: "Finally, That was the absolute Nightmare in there."

Crown of Westminster: "Well, Did you beat Ealing and Hillingdon again?"

Hounslow: "Uhhh..."

Southwark: "..."

Hounslow: "Yes... Yes I did, Sorry..."

Camden: "..."

Merton: "..."

Kingston and Richmond upon Thames: "Since We're all up here now, What are we going to do?"

Crown of London: "Shouldn't ask that question, Rebuild Everything of course!"

Camden: "I don't have that much Money..."

Crown of London: "... Seriously? All these 200 Years?"

Camden: "..."

Crown of London: "Fine, Switzerland has tons of Golds we could lend from."

Somewhere deep in the Alpine Mountains


Switzerland: "... Huh? I don't expect to receive a signal"


Switzerland: "... From... Crown of London? What do they want?"


Switzerland: "Gold? No Surprise but what for?"

Crown of London: "Rebuild What's Lost to the Nuclear War."

Switzerland: "Hmm... Fine, I'll give you some Gold but also pay me back."


Crown of London: "The Gold will arrived in 7 days or so."

Camden: "..."

Crown of London: "From now on Camden, Save some Money. I don't want us to be in Huge and Serious Debt, Understand?"

Camden: "Y-Yes."


Northern Isles: "... It's getting Lonely now, I want some Allies..."

???: "Don't worry, I'll be your Ally"

Northern Isles: "And who might you be?"

Northumbria: "I'm Northumbria."

Northern Isles: "Well Northumbria... Do you know any other Countries here?"

Northumbria: "As far as I know, Tons of it are cluster in Greater London Area, Mersey , Mercia , York , Cornwall , Wales , Scotland and even Ireland!"

Northern Isles: "That's Good to know."

Northumbria: "But the Bad Thing is...

Northern Isles: "What?"

Northumbria: "We can't send any signals to the Mainland Europe, We don't know why..."

Northern Isles: "Can't we use another way? Like Sea?"

Northumbria: "The Seas are Violent there in the Channel."

Northern Isles: "But Norwegian Sea aren't."

Northumbria: "But it's still dangerous!"

Northern Isles: "Give it a shot! Maybe we'll succeed, Who knows?"

Northumbria: "Fine."

Northern Isles: "Good, Send the Mens!"

Honshu Shikoku Hokkaido and Kyushu

State of Hiroshima: "Nagasaki, Do you want to take Revenge on those Damn Murica?"

State of Nagasaki: "Yes, But US is very strong even though now they have collapse, Their Remnants States are still at least Stronger than us."

State of Hiroshima: "You got a point there but Maybe we should control the Western Half of the Pacific first."

State of Nagasaki: "How so?"

State of Hiroshima: "Naval Superiority"

State of Nagasaki: "Okay, Guess we're go Expansionist Mode for now.

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