The Remnants of once the French Republic

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Le Havre, Norman Republic

Normandy: "Welcome, Brittany."

Brittany: "Thanks, Now what are we gonna talk about?"

Normandy: "So, My Spies in Paris found out that Pariseine are moving towards Nationalism and also conscripted lots of Mens."

Brittany: "Is that a Big deal to yo-"

Normandy: "YES, BIG DEAL! You don't know Second World War!?"

Brittany: "I know! But You're tough!"

Normandy: "Even I'm tough, I'm still be outnumbered by them!"

Brittany: "Well, What do you suggest?"

Normandy: "Alliance will do."

Brittany: "Alliance Alone can't resist those guys."

Normandy: "Well, It's better than Nothing."

Brittany: "So who's with us?"

Normandy: "Loire , Picardy , Burgundy and Provence."

Brittany: "Guess that was Alright..."

Normandy: "Don't worry, More Nations will join our Alliance because the Threat from the Pariseine Government"

Brittany: "Huh, I'm with you."

Normandy: "Glad we're on the same page."

Eastern Seaboard, USA

District of Columbia: "... Our once Mighty and Influential Nation has fallen to the Radioactive Monster from the Old World... We shall reunite America to its former glory, We shall stand united under one banner, For the Future of our Peoples and America!"

New England: "I ain't following your idea for United America."

District of Columbia: "But, Why not? Isn't Unified 'Murica better?"

New England: "Depends."

District of Columbia: "What do you mean by that!?"

New England: "Its either Democracy OR Authoritarian."

District of Columbia: "Are you stupid? America will be a Democratic Coun-"

New England: "I don't care!"

District of Columbia: "... Your Loss then."

Back to French Mainland

Pariseine Republic: "... This Government is outdated... Time for some refreshing."

Fascist Pariseine Republic: "That's better..."

???: "Now Next Target will be those damn Brits, But for now Pariseine, Expand your Border. I don't want a weak nation who rely on Members like Italy in World War II."

Fascist Pariseine Republic: "Yes Sir..."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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