Ill follow my dreams (max schneider fanfic)

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Tessa's P.O.V

"Get out of bed you lazy ass!!!!!!" my brother yelled at me and I just burrowed deeper into the warmth of my blankets.

"Tes! I Swear on all things holy if you don't get your ass outta that damn bed I'm going to take a picture of you with bed head and send it to everyone in school!!!! " oh hell no. I jumped up and ran into the bathroom.

Ain't no way in hell My picture is going to be going around school. I get bullied enough as it is. I turned on the shower and let it warm up. The reflection in the mirror made me flinch. Wow I look like roadkill. I took off my silver and gold cross necklace with the two rings on it. My mom and dads wedding rings were on there. They passed away last year. Now it's just me and my brother. I took off my denim anklet I had made out of an old pair of jeans and took of my bracelets. The old scars underneath then made me flinch away. I went through a rough period after my parents passed and no one could help , but my music is what saved me. My music is my life. I jumped in the shower only to jump right back out

" Damit to hell!!" I screamed. I turned on the cold instead of the hot. I turned it on all the way and got back in. It was scalding but it relaxed my tensed muscles. There always tenses after I wake up because of all of the nightmares. I grabbed my strawberry shampoo and ran it through my hair and began to sing.

" Im still alive but I'm barley breathing.

Just praying to a god that I don't believe in

Cuz I got time while he got freedom.

No when a heart breaks it don't break even.

His best days will be some of my worst.

Finally met a girl that will put him first.

Cuz while I'm wide awake he has no trouble sleeping

When a heart breaks it don't break even. It don't break even no. What am I suppose to do when the best part of me was always you and what am I suppose to say when I'm all choked up and your okay.

I'm falling to peices

I'm falling to peices yea.

They say bad things happen for a reason

But ain't no wise words gonna stop the bleeding

Cuz while he's moves on I'm still Grieving cuz when a heart breaks it don't break even.

You took my heart and her heart and none of the pain you took your suitcase and I took the blame and I'm trying to make sence of what little remains cuz you left me with no love. With not love to my name!!! I'm still alive but I'm barley breathing. Just prayin to a god I don't believe in cuz i got time while he it freedom. When a heart breaks it don't not it don't it don't break even nooo.

And what am I suppose to do when the best part of me was alway you and what am I suppose to say when I'm all choked up an your okay. I'm falling to peices yea I'm falling to peices I'm falling to peices

Whn a heart beaks it don't break even

Break even"

I sang. That was my favorite song and I had changed it to fit my situation. My boyfriend and I just broke up last week. He said he wouldn't date a depressed orphan. I turned to water off and stepped out.

The cold air hit me and a chill went through my body.

I went to my closet and searched for something to wear. I use to wear skirts and stuff to school because I loves the spotlight and loved attention but now I thrive to stay in the background. I finally settled on a pair of pure black skinny jeans and a neon yellow shirt that said " I'm sorry if I'm more interesting then you " with the sleeves being black lace. I threw my black leather jacket over it. And slipped on my combat boots. I walked back to the bathroom and slipped my necklace back over my head. I never o anywhere without it. I put my anklet back on and my bracelets. I decided to let my hair dry normal. This month it was a Ginny weasly red. I change it every month. My hair was naturally curly. Like ringlet curly. I put a couple swipes of mascara on and rimmed my eyes with my black eyeliner. Just on the insides of my eyes , on the water lines of my eyes. Yeah I know I wear a lot of black. No I'm not goth. I just like the color. Thankfully this was my last week of school before leaving that hell hole. I'm eighteen and I've already been excepted into collage.

I skipped down the stairs and jumped on my brothers back. He was a football player and a boxer so my weight didn't faze him.

" well someone is in a good mood even though they didn't want to wake up. " he chuckled and lowered me down to the counter. I just nodded and grabbed a water.

" Tessa you have to eat something" he said with concern in his voice.

" I'll eat when I get to school" I lied and would meet his eyes. I hated lying to him but I couldn't afford to gain anymore weight.

" Bullshit. At least eat an apple." he threw a green apple at my heat but I have really fast reflexes and managed to catch it before it hit my face.

I just shook my head and tool a bite. I loved anything blue or any green fruit. I know I'm crazy. But I do.

I finished the apple and kissed his cheek.

" I'll be back before dinner. Gonna do some stuff after school. " I called and hears him say okay. I pulled my keys out of my pocket and grabbed my bag.

I hopped onto my bike and the engine purred to life. I drove a Harley. It was a midnight blue with black sparkles and white entertwined in it. I loved it and it was my most prized possession.

I pulled up to the school with a sigh. Great. Back to hell. Well here goes nothing


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