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Bright lights is flashin I'm surround by madness •••max Schneider.

Tessa's P.O.V.

After William came in and apologized he fell asleep on my bed. Work must be tiring for him. I opened my door only for Max to fall on my feet.

" Oh my gosh, I'm sorry are you okay?" I said kneeling down to him. He just laughed and looked up at me.

" You have beautiful eyes." He said with a smile. My whole face probably went the color of a tomato.

" Thanks" I said and pulled him up. It was about 4 in the morning now. Don't ask how it got that late because I couldn't tell you. I would have to leave for the airport in two hours.

" Tessa, please don't be mad at me for telling your brother." Max said with pleading eyes.

" It's okay, I understand why you did it, but I need to get ready to leave." I said with regret in my voice.

"here's me number. Please stay in contact with me. I don't live here. I'm only here to visit my cousin. I'm goin back soon." he said and took my phone out if my hand. He must have texted him self because I heard a little ding that must have been his text tone. I just smiled. He wanted to keep in touch !! He walked to the door with me trailing behind him.

"I won't forget you" he whispered into my ear as he pulled me into a hug. I muzzled my head into the crook of his neck. He smelt good. I heard him sigh and hold me tighter. I felt so safe in his arms. I honestly could explain it. His arms were wrapped around my waist and mine around his neck. I could feel soft tingles where our skin met. I was tired and my legs were starting to go weak. He must have notices because he swept one arm under my legs and carried me to the couch.

" go to sleep. I will wake you up in a hour so you can get ready. I promise."I just smiled in content. I truly made me sad that I would never see him again. But I had his number so maybe we could do what he said and keep in touch.

I woke up to Max shaking my shoulder.

" I let you sleep as long as I could. Your bags are in your brothers truck. We have already shipped your bike. It should be there by the time u get there. All you have to do is get in the truck" I nodded and did what he said. My eyes drifted shut again.


Okay I'm sorry I did not update yesterday. And I realize this story won't get very popular but still a girl can hope right. If you could leave a comment that would be tremendous. And this chapter is for my friend who I made a bluey promise that I would update yesterday. I feel bad but I'm about to pass out. Anyway go read my sisters story!!! It's called you light up my world. Pleaseeeeee. Thanks :) srry for the long A/N.

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