My last day

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I should have bought you flowers, I should have held your hand, should have gave you all my hours, when I had the chance ••• Max Schneider cover when I was your man

Tessa's P.O.V.

I was in fourth block period and everything was fine today.

In walks Victoria. My tormentor.

" hey bitch!! I se you didn't kill yourself last night like everyone begged you too. What a shame." she said with a sneer and I felt my face heat up and I lowered my head in shame. She snapped her fingers and her boyfriend and brother stepped out from behind her. Great. Here comes more bruises I thought right before I felt myself being punched in the eye. I just whimpered, but I refused to cry. I do not cry. They continued to kick me and punch me and finally they went to sit back down as the teacher walks in.

" today cla-RINGGGGG" the bell rings and everyone rushes out of the classroom.

" ms.walker come here please." he said as I was limpin out of the classroom. Shit. I looked down so he wouldn't see my now swollen and bloody face.

" yes sir?"

" is tree anything you would like to tell me?" he said in a concerned voice. I just shook my head and walked out of the room. I was not about to snitch it would only get worse.

I limped to the bathroom so I could attempt to clean myself off. My brother Doesn't know what happened to me at school and I plan on keeping it that way. Today was the last day anyway,well for me. I was going I skip the last four days, because I have enough credits to graduate early. I had to go home and pack anyway, I wa moving to NewYork. I was getting a design job and moving in with my best friend , my only friend,she moved away last year.

I managed to get the blood off my face and reduce the swelling a little bit. Oh well it will have to work. If he asked then I would just say I got in a fight. My body staggered it's way to my bike and I slip my jacket on while hissing in pain. I drove home ,trying to clear my head. My bother was be at work so I would have the whole house to myself. Good, I needed to sing to vent out my frustration. I parked my bike and stuffed my jacket under the seat. With my books in my hand I opened the door and realized just how dirty our house was. I sighed in despair, bubba I'd going to have a hard time keeping up with the house.

I walked up the stairs and threw my books in the floor, won't be needing those anymore. For Christmas bub got me a dock for my phone. I plugged it in and put my music in shuffle. I automatically started to sing to the song. I pulled my three suitcases out and laid them on my bed. I was to lazy to fold them so I just took out my draws and dumped them in there. Ava was going to have a fit because if it. I took my clothes out of my closet and stuffed them into another. I didn't own much clothes so I still had room to put a couple pair of shoes in there, but only my old ones. My collection went into the third. I have a whole collection of converses of every color. I always match them with my clothes. It had grew over the years and I loved them all. My make up was already in the bag so I left it and I grabbed my shower stuff and stuffed it into my Nike bag.

I had saved the hardest thing for last. I have one wall that is covered in pictures, there was no barren spot on it. Most were of either me and Ava or me an my family. I had a few of my animals landscapes but thats it. I had made a collage with it years ago and I just kept adding on. I slowly and gingerly remover them and placed them in a steel box. After about four hours I was finished and stood back to observe my room. It looked empty without the pictures. I left my coveres because I was going to get new ones and I'd need some for when I visit. Me and Ava were going to go shopping for furniture. I had saved up my money for the ten years. Just doing the odd things. And my work. I had just barley over 5,000 but I'd never even use all that.

I walked out of my room and slipped my shoes back on. I was going to go For a run, it always helped me clear my mind. I started out walking and gradually accelerated to a fast jogg. I honestly wasn't watching where I was going and ran into someone. I landed on my ankle and felt it pop. I let out a small scream but closed my mouth to a whimper.

" Oh my gosh , I'm so sorry!!!! Are you okay?!" he said sounding apologetic. I just nodded but kept my face down so he wouldn't see all the bruises. I went to stand up but as soon as I out weight on my right foot I collapsed letting another whimper escape. The boy, which I could tell it was because of the deepness of his voice, kneeled down beside of me but I looked away. I mist have not been quick enough because he inhaled a sharp breath and put his fingers gently around my chin an turned my face to his.

" O my lord, who did this to you" he said in horror.

" no one. Can you just please help me back home. I can't out weight on it. Please" I said letting out a shaky voice.

" sure , what's your name " he said picking me up in his arms as if I weighed nothing.

" Tessa. And yours?" I said tryig to hide my discomfort.

" my name is......

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