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Note: tongue (guess)

"I'm sorry about them," Y/n apologized, "I mean, it's a pretty valid response, if you think about it. You look really good."

After the whole triumphant ordeal with his friends, Y/n sat in the car, alongside Aruna. If this was two weeks ago, he would have been sitting at the back, mortified and nervous to face the naga, but now he sat at the front. Y/n broke off a small piece of the cake with the cutlery that the cafe provided, offering it to the naga.

"It's probably not as good as the cake you're accustomed to," Y/n warned, "but it's, rich? Unhealthy? They definitely don't use any of the fancy products I saw in the menu where I met Jessi. Speaking of which, who is Jessi?"

Instead of simply taking the fork from Y/n's hand, Aruna leant forward, eating the cake from the fork—that Y/n still held. It was almost a knee jerk response—Y/n's face immediately flushed a bright red. Um, essentially, he was feeding Aruna, right...? Did Aruna even know what he was doing?

"It's good." That was all Aruna murmured, "thank you." He swallowed and finished his morsel, "and Jessi is a family friend. He might not act like what he actually is—the biggest partner of our business. He plays around too much."

Oh. So like, everyone Aruna was acquainted with was rich? Including...Jin? And Shun? Had Y/n gotten mixed in some billionaire business? Just days ago he was lamenting his fate about his poverty. And now the whole situation was finally flipped, because the app had appeared on his phone. A strange, strange app. In fact, Y/n should have deleted it ages ago, but whenever he tried to click the button, it never disappeared. It hung on like a stubborn leech.

"Oh, okay," Y/n jabbed the fork into the cake, bringing it to his lips and ignoring the fact it was technically an indirect kiss, "Um. I've been meaning to ask, but do you think I'll match with...someone else?"

"...The chances aren't zero." Aruna admitted, "this is the first time I'm seeing this..."

Was Y/n dreaming, or did Aruna actually sound forlorn? It was strange if you thought about it. Jin was a dragon. Dragons tended to be the possessive creatures, but Jin seemed perfectly fine with the idea of Y/n matching with numerous people, while Aruna didn't. To begin with, they had met on a dating app—an app that literally encouraged you to date, which hence explained why their relationship had progressed faster than a normal person's would. Meanwhile, Jin's meeting had been less than ideal.

"Just now you called me your boyfriend." Aruna brought up, looking inquiringly at Y/n.

"It would be weird if I said you were a friend, right?" Y/n quickly said, before he changed the topic—"and well, where are we headed?"

"Ah. Apologies. I realize I did not obtain your permission yet," Aruna blinked, before he rummaged through the car compartment to retrieve a goldish-black envelope, "I was going to ask if you would accompany me to a company event. As my partner," He clarified.

"A company event," Y/n repeated, "as your partner. Yes, I can go. But that's sudden. Don't we need gifts? And clothes? And...if it's overnight..."

"You don't need to worry about accommodation, clothes, or gifts. I have already ordered some tailored clothing for you," Aruna replied with an amused smile. "And we don't need gifts. The whole event was thrown by my mother. She is delighted to meet you."

"You mean the mother who Jessi dissed?" Y/n gawked. "And a whole event to meet me? What the fuck? Okay, I didn't mean to curse, but..."

"If you find it overwhelming, we can just book a private suite."

"U-Um, let me think about it." Y/n stuffed the cake into his mouth. Food for thought. Now, let's see...the pros and cons. Pros: it would be a fantastic party! Loads of great food, gifts, a way to get to know Aruna better. Cons: technically, entering a naga party would be entering a den full of serpents. Some of them might be hostile to him, and the mother was an enigma to begin with. But he really did want to get to know Aruna's side of the family. Y/n had been sharing so many things about himself, and the naga never really opened up...

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