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They decided, till they had come to a firm conclusion on the relationship, that they would continue to sleep in separate bedrooms so as not to confuse them and make things more complicated, but did play the loving couple in front of everyone the next day.

Carol and Jon Snr took the kids with them when they left, so now only the two were in the house together; neither realised how nervous they were to be alone. It had been nearly nine months since they last spent alone time. Cori cleaned the kitchen after everyone had left; Jon walked in and skooched up on the worktop.

"I remember the first time I saw you; you blew into that old house like a hurricane and gave me the most attitude anyone had ever given me. I knew right then and there that you were someone I had to get to know. The look of Who the fuck  do you think you are? You gave me had me chuckling on the inside and wanting to see how far that attitude went."

"I wanted to smack that smug smile off your face when I first saw you in that seat. I didn't recognise who you were at first; I thought you were some fucking psycho that stalked solo women. I wasn't going to go down easy if you were."

"Hahaha, yeah, I could tell. We have some good memories in kitchens, and I don't think there has been a kitchen we never christened." Jon laughed; I could see a naughty glint in his eye, one I hadn't seen in a long time.

"You're probably right there. Mr Bongiovi, are you flirting with me?" I looked over to him, and as he slid down from the counter, he walked towards the fridge, stopping behind me and whispering in my ear,

"What if I am, baby girl." Fuck I think he just soaked my knickers. It has been at least nearly ten months since they both had sex. The heat from his body left as he moved past her. She had a dry mouth and was unsure if her voice would betray her feelings.

"It's been a while. I'm not criticising; I'm just saying it's been a while since we have been that way."

"I know, we lost not only ourselves into everything else in life but also forgot about us. I do apologise, and I know there are no apologies enough to cover all the hurt and pain I have caused over the years."

"Jonny, let's not talk about all that stuff right now. We should have an afternoon of fun together. Playing games and getting to know each other again, we are not who we were when we met; life has thrown so many fucking curve balls, and I honestly can't remember the last time we did just us. Not the jobs we have, not being parents, not being responsible adults; let's have fun and be irresponsible." Cori held up the little wooden box; Jon agreed, so while Cori finished cleaning the kitchen, he straightened up the house.

It was a beautiful, warm day outside, so they decided to smoke down on the beach, seeing as they didn't have the kids. They grabbed some blankets and munchies and set up a nice picnic area.
The afternoon rolled by seemingly slowly while they laughed at nothing at all. This felt like how they were when they first met, being happy and silly with each other.

Jon kept thinking about the almost kisses he had with Cori; all he wanted was to kiss her, to feel her against him.
"Oi, Rockstar, are you ignoring me?"

"Sorry, I didn't intentionally, just got lost in thought."

"Thinking anything of anything good?"

"Hmmm, you could say that. Spark up, and I may tell you about it."

"Cheeky. If I spark up, you must tell me, but I need to nip to the bathroom first."

"Pee in the bushes; I know you're not opposed to it."

"No, that is true, but not pissing in my garden with security wandering around."

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