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Time jump

It had been about eight weeks since Cori asked Jon to return to their room and almost a year since they had been intimate. He had moved back in eventually once all the chaos with work had settled to a manageable level, and he wasn't getting phone calls at silly o'clock and could get to bed at a reasonable time.

They still hadn't been intimate, and it had become an unspoken game of teasing the other to see who would break first. The kids had gone to Sambora's for the weekend as it was Kai-Luca's birthday, and he wanted a sleepover with his 'cousins.

Jon had dropped the kids off with Richie and Serena, as Cori had a job showing someone a few houses in the morning. On his way home, Jon stopped by a few shops; he had a surprise for his wife in his mind. It would be sure to make her cave first and jump his dick. 

It was about four in the afternoon when she got home, and she was shattered. The couple she had been showing houses too, had been so picky and outspoken that they had drained her energy and life. She had shown them four homes, and they still couldn't make their minds up and were bickering when she got in the car and went home.

"Hey baby girl, how are...oh, you don't look so good."

"I'm okay; I'm just sore and tired. Did the kids go off okay?"

"Yes, they are good. They barely even got out a bye before they bolted. I saw Richie, and although initially awkward, he warmed up. He couldn't resist my boyish charms. I asked if he wanted to meet up to air out everything."
"Well, I'm sure the kids will have fun and tire them out. Sorry, Jonny, but I need to sit on the couch for a minute," Cori said. She was exhausted, feeling like she could pass out any minute or fall asleep on the island.

So Jon started making her a cuppa and brought it to the living room; Cori was already asleep when Jon brought her brew. He left it on the table and brought the blanket over the top of her, closing the curtains and ensuring she got a good nap.

Jon had prepped the food for tea and had the potatoes in the oven, and the steak was marinating in the fridge. Jon had gone to run a nice hot bubble bath for Cori to relax when she woke up.
The bath was all ready. There were lovely scented candles, soft music playing and a bath full of iridescent bubbles.
He went back downstairs, about to wake Cori up, but as he rounded the corner, he found her in the kitchen getting a water bottle. He pulled the food from the oven and let it cool on the side for later.

"Hey baby girl, how are you feeling now?"
"Fucked and not in a good way."
"You looking for a good fucking baby?"
"You offering Jonny?"
"Ya never know. Play your cards right (wink wink)."
"Your naughty Bongiovi, where have you been anyway?"
"Follow me"
Jon took her hands and guided her upstairs to their bedroom. Opening the door, he stepped aside and let her walk in first. Inside, the room was lit with candles, bouquets of her favourite flowers around the room, and music gently playing through the speakers. He turned to look at her, and her jaw was slack.
"You like it?"
"You, you did this? Why?"
"I wanted to make you feel special, you are wanted and know that, fuck me, baby girl, you are my everything." Cori had stared, sobbing, wrapped her arms around his neck, and pulled him in for a hug.

"You also have a nice hot bubble bath waiting for you. I suggest you get that fine ass in there before it gets hot."
"I don't know what else to say except thank you. Maybe you could join me in the bath in a bit."

"Maybe I make no promises. But please don't fall asleep in the bath."

"I will try." She said, kissing him coyly on the cheek.
Jon kissed her back on the top of the head and left her to relax for a bit.
About twenty minutes passed, and he thought he had best check on her, just in case she had fallen asleep. He walked into the bathroom and found her, thankfully not completely asleep but dozing off.

"Hey baby, how are you feeling?"
"Relaxed, but I feel drained. And very lonely in this tub all by myself."
"You still want some company?"
"Fucking hell, Jon, just get your tiny little fucking touché in the fucking bath."

"Wow, such a delicate and ladylike way you talk."
"Shut up and get your arse in this bath before I pull you in fully clothed."
"You know how to turn a man on, you know that." He was pulling off his jeans when the house phone rang.

"Fuck sake, who the fuck is that?"
"We could just ignore it."
"What if it's the Sambora's? I'll be quick, I promise."
As Jon walked out, cori laughed as she heard him muttering cock blocks under his breath.
So his motives were blatantly obvious, this was all his devious plan to get laid, he had planned their first night together. But She was touched that he would make all this effort to make it special.
It had been a while, and Cori was wondering where Jon was. She hauled ass out of the tub, wrapped herself in a towel and robe and poked her out to see where he was.
In the bedroom he was not, tying her robe she tiptoed out to the hall to see if she could hear him; but it was silent through out the house.
She walked to the balcony to look over the garden, but she couldn't hear or see him; beginning to worry a little, she quickly changed into her comfy clothes and put her robe back on and hunted for her husband.
It took her about 10 minutes to check the entire house, which was empty, fully, along with the guest house and the garden. She checked his office above the garage, but the door was locked. She put her ear to the door but couldn't hear anything because even though the studio was soundproof, the office was not as much.
She jiggled the door again, but it still locked, so she trodded back across the garden to the back door, still quiet in the house and completely baffled, switched in the kettle to make a brew and wait for Harry fucking Houdini to return.

"About 20 minutes later, cori jumped awake and fell to the floor at the sound of the front door hitting the wall and slamming closed again.

Not sure what to do, does she run at whoever came in the house or try to hide?
The feet stomped towards the stairs. Unsure if it was Jon or some intruder, she hid on the floor behind the safety of the sofa.
She heard the feet stomping upstairs and took this as her cue to get up and quietly rush to the kitchen; she managed to pick up a knife before she heard her name being shouted.
She tucked the knife into her robe, she knew it was Jon's voice shouting her but something felt off.
She hid in the pantry in the kitchen as she heard movement on the stairs.

"Corissa, where are you?" Jon's voice shouted through the house; now she knew something was up; he'd never used her proper name, not even at their wedding.
She still hadn't heard more than one person, or more than one set of footsteps, all of a sudden a load smash and crashing could be heard coming from the other side of the house.
Cori tentatively got out of the pantry and tiptoed along the wall in the kitchen to peek around the stairs to see Jon in an epic meltdown, throwing their memories everywhere.

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