A Tour Around The Visitor Center

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It wasn't long before the jeeps arrived to the Visitor Center, which is the location where the Visitors go to have rest or food before or after seeing the fossil Pokémon of the park. It's also the main control place for the park, and it wasn't long before the group went into the place and see a pair of skeletons of a Tyrantrum fighting an Aurorus. Hammond: "We spared no expense on this project, thanks to your digging and the technology of my company known as Ingen, we made attractions so amazing that they'll capture the imagination of the entire planet." Alan: "Something tells me that we might be out of a job..." Malcolm: "Don't you mean extinct?" Pikachu: "Pika..." Curly: "Hey Moe, how come Pikachu can't talk us?" Moe: "Not all Pokémon can talk human like us." Curly: "Oh..." Larry: "Plus it saves writing on who voices the little guy." Moe: "When I say no 4th wall breaking... I mean long ears." said Mow, before bops Larry on the nose. Soon, the group went to a little theater room, where they see a mini movie of Hammond introducing himself to the audience, before some sort of cartoonish DNA strand, named Mr DNA (voiced by Greg Burson) came to the scene. Hammond: "Greetings Mr DNA, why don't you tell the people here how we have living Fossil Pokémon in Jurassic Park?" Mr DNA: "With pleasure, to start, let me tell you that one drop of blood contains billions of strands of DNA, the building blocks of life, now a DNA strand like me is a blueprint for every living thing, sometimes some strands of DNA get preserved in fossils in either the bones or from fossils in Amber, and thanks to our fossil digging friends to dig up fossils, we let our scientists extract the DNA, but since it's so old there will be holes, fortunately we have a solution to that, some of our genetics use the complete DNA of other Pokémon to fill in the hole and complete the code, whew... and now we can make a baby fossil Pokémon, like this Aurous and Tyrantrum for example." said Mr DNA, showing the image of an Aurous and Tyrantrum roaring at one another. Suddenly, the seats began to move, taking the group to see a room full of people in white lab coats, looking at some eggs, then another room where people were looking at the computers, making sure everything in Jurassic Park is operational. Wanting to take a closer look at the eggs, Alan got off his seat and went into the egg room, with everyone else following him. That was when they meet a young man named Dr Henry Wu (Played by Clemont and voiced by Mike Liscio), who was the lead geneticist. Wu: "Oh Mr Hammond, it' good to see you here, and I see you brought some guests." Hammond: "Yes, and they like to see the eggs as it seems." Wu: "Well you're in luck, for an egg is about to hatch." said Wu, before showing the group the fossil Pokémon egg, which begins to hatch and out came a Tyrunt. Ellie: "Aww... it's so cute~!" Malcolm: "Yeah, if you're into babies that have sharp teeth." Malcolm: "Do all the babies hatch here or do the Pokémon breed?" Wu: "Well they can't breed, all of the Pokémon here are female, so they can't breed." Malcolm: "Hmm... you really think so?" Wu: "Of course, you think that females can breed without males?" Malcolm: "I'm only saying that life will find a way." Alan: "Say... what is this fossil Pokémon?" Wu: "This is a Tyrunt, the pr-evolved form of Tyrantrum." Curly: "Uh... is it really a good idea to have another Tyrunt?, I mean we got enough problems with the first 3." Alan: "There are other Tyrunt?" Moe: "Yeah, we can show ya." said Moe, before he leads the group outside to a pen where the first 3 Tyrunt were currently in, and one of the workers were dropping some Pokémon food to feed the Tyrunt group. Malcolm: "Boy... they can really eat..." Ellie: "And they're quite aggressive... and what are those collars on their necks?" asked Ellie, looking at the collars around the necks of the Tyrunt trio. Hammond: "Those are shock collars to keep them from going out of control." Moe: "They didn't stopped them from attacking Curly here, he nearly lost his tail to one of them." Hammond: "They didn't had the collars then." Ellie: "Shock collars... but isn't that a little extreme?" Hammond: "Believe me, I never liked the idea myself, it was really Nedry, who is the co-programmer of Jurassic Park, that came with the idea... after what happened to Curly, we had to take some safety precautions, but I'm sure things will be fine now." Pikachu: "Pika..." said Pikachu in a nervous tone in his voice. After that, the group went to a meeting room to have some dinner, cooked by Cilan (played by himself and voiced by Jason Griffith), the head chef himself. Cilan: "Here you go everyone, enjoy your meal." said Cilan, before he leaves the scene. Hammond: "Noun of the other attractions are ready as the one you're about to take, but they should be thrilling for the visitors." Gennaro: "Yes, and we'll make a fortune with this place, I mean people will pay for anything to visit." Hammond: "Now remember, this park isn't just for the wealthy, everyone has the right to enjoy the Pokémon here." Malcolm: "I don't think it's a good idea... I mean these Pokémon are not familiar with humans as the ones of today, and not to mention that there could be people who would want to get their hands on them for battle or for money, like the infamous Team Rocket for example." Ellie: "Not only that, but you seemed to be rushing a bit as you don't have a lot of info on how the fossil Pokémon will behave around people, and some of the food you have might not be good for the fossil Pokémon for their diet might be different from the ones of today, and these creatures would most likely defend themselves more violently too if necessary." Alan: "Yeah... humans coexisting with Pokémon that have been extinct for millions of years, how can we have the slightest idea what to expect...?" Hammond: "Who side are you on?" Alan: "We're only giving you our opinion so far." Hammond: "Oh you're right, it might still be a little too soon to ask about it... but perhaps the tour around the park could change your minds." said Hammond, before he the others went off after finished eating their meal.

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