Chapter 7

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I sit up in my seat, if gravity wasn't a limitation right now, I'd be floating to the ceiling would how happy I am to find this lady.

"Really? I knew your name sounded familiar, it's so nice to finally meet you, ma'am. Is y/n around? Please, I need to talk to them, or at least see them." I stop myself from rambling too much.

Ruby's smile falls and picks up her cup to take a quick sip of her drink before continuing. "That's why I asked you here, Christopher. I wanted to meet you, but I also thought you deserved to know ... where y/n is."

I fall back into my seat. "So they're not here?"

"No, they are not currently. But, if you don't mind, I was asked to contact you and tell you what happened 4 years ago. They thought you would like some answers." She says slowly.

I scoot to the edge of my seat. "Yes, ma'am. Please, tell me everything, it's all I've been thinking about since that day."

She nods and takes another sip.

"Well, I'm not sure if you knew their reasoning for leaving or not, but it was very much selfless. They didn't leave to hurt you, though I'm sure it did, they left because they were hurting you." She explains.

"I don't understand."

"What I mean is, they left because they didn't want to stop you from doing what you loved anymore. I still remember what they told me when they came home that night, they said they did it because they wanted you to be able to live your dream freely. They felt as if they were holding you back." The words sound all too familiar.

"I remember them telling me that once or twice, but I always told them they never were holding me back. I never minded what opportunities did or didn't come up as long as I had them with me." I'm only telling the truth, money never mattered if I had their support.

"Be that as it may, dear, that's how they felt. Even if you both had different views, it's far too late to change that night now." She looks at me expectingly, I nodded because she's right.

"So, that night they came home and stayed with us for a while. It didn't take long for them to come up with a plan of sorts. I know at the time you were together, they were doing online courses for a degree, and by the time they got here, the school year was ending." Yes, I remember them being so stressed over exams.

"Before I tell you the next part, I'll give you some background on myself. I grew up less fortunate than others, there wasn't a clear path for me to go down in my early adulthood. But while going to high school, I met my husband. We dated and got married a year or so after graduating. From there, I was incredibly lucky.

"My husband's family were very big on music, they believed it could truly heal the soul. Because of that, my husband's father established a music company before his son was even born. The company was passed down to my husband, and it's still in our name, though my husband has been gone for many years now." She says with a sad smile. It truly must have been several years because her smile didn't have any pain in it, just acceptance and content.

I put my hand to me chest. "I'm so sorry for your loss, ma'am." She nods in gratitude. "But, that's why you have all the records and pictures in your hallway?"

She nods. "Those are older awards, nothing from the past years. But we're proud of them nonetheless so.." She trails off. "Anyway, all this to say, when y/n came home, they decided it was best to get a job working for the company. It was a small part-time job at first since that's all that was available, but they worked their way up over a couple of years. When they were finally in a high enough position to have some kind of influence, they put in a recommendation for the scouts to listen to. Can you guess who?" She asked.

I thought it over for a second. There were a few artists y/n really liked when we were together, but they were all already under a label. "I don't know, who?"

"You. They put in your name. Or at least they put in the name of your group."

The shock came again. "Me?" I would have thought they tried to move on from me completely after leaving, I honestly wouldn't blame them if they did.

"Yes, and it went over well too. It was about a year or two ago that bigger companies reached out and gave you offers right?" I nod. "That's because of them. I asked them one day why they were working with the company and not somewhere else. At the time, our company was bigger than it is now, so it wasn't a bad place to be, but I was curious.

"Their entire reason for working and moving up in the ranks was to help you, to give you that final push. And it worked, once they saw you and your group get more popular, they slowed down and were happy for a while. After all, their goal had been reached."

I don't even know what to say. They worked for that long just to put in a good word for me? At first I was upset and confused for them just leaving, but after hearing their reasoning and the fact that they worked non-stop just to set us up a chance of making it big, wow.

"That's- I don't know what to say. All this time I thought it was our music that made us more popular." Does that mean our standing right now is a lie?

"Oh, dear don't get the wrong idea. Your music is what makes you popular. It's just that before, no one saw you, but after they worked for it, they directed everyone's attention to you. Then everyone was able to see what your group can do." She redirected me.

That's a better way of thinking about it. As if I didn't love y/n enough before, to think they did all that just for us to have a chance at getting more popular.

"Wait, you said they were happy for a while after. How long is a while? What happened?"

Ruby takes a sip of her cupand sighs. "That's when things took a turn. You're going to want to sit backfor this, dear."

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