Chapter 8

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Reluctantly, I sit back in my seat, unease starts to settle in at the change in Ruby's voice as she told me to do so. What could have happened that made her aura change so drastically.

Ruby clears her throat before speaking again. "So, for a while after y/n put in the word for you, and your career started taking off, things were going alright. They were still working at the company and they didn't seem as down from your separation. But things changed one day when one of the scouts did an interview for some small magazine.

"They talked about what they do and how they found some of their artists, but they also mentioned you, and how they found you. In reveling how they found you because of a recommendation from an employee, people became outraged." She explains.

I never heard about this interview, this is all new to me. I knew people were always talking about us, but I never liked to listen just as people say to never read comments on youtube and things.

"Why.. why did they get angry?"

"Critics and fans were angry because they felt as though y/n had cheated. Somehow they found out it was them who put in the word, and started attacking them on social media and in real life if they ever saw them."

By attacking I really hope she doesn't mean physically. And to think I was on top of the world while y/n was getting backlash from doing something completely selfless.

"They never did anything though, right? They never tried anything actually harmful?" I'm not sure if I'm asking her or if I'm trying to convince myself.

She shakes her head. "No, thank goodness. Of course words can do harm, but I couldn't tell you who much they actually affected y/n." She reassures me.

I sigh in relief. At least no one hurt them, I don't know what I would do if the fans caused physical pain to y/n.

"But, even though no one hurt them, that doesn't mean we didn't have scares." She continues.

I pause. Scares? What kind of scares?

"What do you mean?"

"It happened a few times where fans, or really just the people who were giving them a hard time, came to our company or here to see y/n."

They stalked y/n? I know the feeling all too well, it's always unsettling and scary to have 'fans' show up at somewhere that's supposed to be a safe place for you.

"That's terrible. Did they ever do anything?"

"No, they didn't. Besides yelling things at the house or building, they only really wanted to see or take pictures of y/n." She says.

As terrifying as it is to have people show up like that, at least they didn't try anything more than that. Maybe the security at their building was good enough to keep them out.

"What happened from there?" I asked, hoping this story would take a positive turn.

"Well, since the 'fans' only wanted to see them, y/n decided to move out. It didn't take long to find a small apartment they could stay for a while, at it took even less time to move them there. The whole idea was for y/n to move somewhere everyone wouldn't find them." She explains. Her tone suggests that the plan wasn't successful.

"It only took about a month or so for the people to find where y/n moved to, and from there the stalking got worse. Still though, no one tried anything physical, but there was a few attempts of break-ins when y/n wasn't home."

All throughout the retelling of this story, I couldn't help but notice that Ruby hasn't shown too much emotion. You would think that telling someone about how stalkers tried to break in to your child's apartment would cause someone to have a worried or distressed undertone to their voice.

But, Ruby didn't have that. She didn't sound happy, obviously, but she didn't sound surprised by the details, almost like she's told this before.

"What.. happened after that? Did they start to leave them alone?" I asked, hopeful again.

She shook her head. "No, it didn't stop. And we really couldn't do much legally, because they weren't causing physical harm besides minor property damage to the apartment complex." She paused to take another sip of her drink.

"So, you could imagine, these things start to take a toll on someone. Especially when they've been happening for months and months on end, yes?" She asks.

I nod, hoping I'm so wrong for where I think this is going.

"Y/n was already depressed from leaving you, they told us nearly everyday how much it hurt to leave you like that. But with the stalkers added, the paranoia and anxiety started to build-up. Before long, they fell sick from all the mental stress that was hurting them from the previous years."

Tears had started to line my eyes. Y/n had to go through all that by themselves, no one to protect them. What I wouldn't give to be able to be there to just hold them and shield them from all the bad stuff.

"Christopher, forgive me for what I'm going to tell you next."

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