♡Chapter 86♡

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{Poppy's outfit}

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{Poppy's outfit}

"Morning." Poppy, DJ and Stephanie say as they walk in the kitchen where they see Danny, Joey and Becky.

"Morning." The three adults reply to the three kids.

"DJ, how old do I look?" Danny asked his daughter.

DJ shrugged. "I don't know. You're my dad. You look old."

Danny sighed, now looking over at his niece. "Poppy, you're brutally honest, how old do I look?"

"38." Poppy replied.

Danny groaned. "I'm 33."

Poppy raised her hands in the air. "Hey, don't get mad at me. You asked me the question and I just answered."

Becky playfully hit the back of Poppy's head. "Hey, Poppy, Deej, how's your girls' graduation speeches going?"

Poppy gasps excitedly. "I can't wait. I've already written my speech."

"Well, my speech is fine. I'm just worried about speaking in front of 300 people." DJ nervously said, biting her lip.

Joey stands up and walks over to DJ. "Well, DJ, I'll tell you what helps me when I speak in front of crowds. I just pretend everybody is in their underwear." Joey gave DJ some advice to help make her feel less anxious.

DJ furrows her eyebrows in confusion. "Why?"

Joey shrugs. "I don't know. It's just fun."

Stephanie looked up at her older cousin. "Poppy, now that you're graduating junior high, will you still be doing cheerleading?"

"Yup." Poppy nodded. "The only thing changing is that cheerleading will be more tough and have way harder stunts."

"Is your mom coming to your graduation?" Danny asked Poppy.

"Yeah, she is." Poppy confirmed. "So is Donte, Uncle Carson, Aunt Scarlett, Aunt Ella, and Uncle Caleb." Poppy listed.

DJ grabbed her lunch bag. "Come on, Poppy. We should start walking to school."

Poppy grabbed her lunch bag from the kitchen side. "Alright."

"Bye, everyone." DJ and Poppy wave to their family as they leave for school.


It was later on.

The family and Kimmy all walk in the house where they see Danny singing and dancing in the living room while wearing an outfit that didn't suit him.

"My poor eyes and my poor ears." Poppy dramatically exclaims.

Danny stops dancing and singing as he turns to his family. "What are you people doing home so early? You're supposed to be out eating dinner."

𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐞 {𝐅𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞} [𝐎𝐂 𝐗 𝐎𝐂]Where stories live. Discover now