♡Chapter 134♡

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{Poppy's outfit}

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{Poppy's outfit}

Poppy Katsopolis was currently in the kitchen with Michelle and Stephanie. The three blondes were sat at the kitchen table, all of them doing their homework.

Just then, Joey rushed in the house. "Hey, girls. Where's DJ?"

"She's upstairs." Stephanie replied to the Gladstone man's question.

Joey nodded and began shouting. "Okay, come on, everybody. DJ, come on, let's go! Come on! Come on down! Let's go!"

The rest of the family, plus Kimmy and Steve, rushed downstairs.

"Joey, what's going on?" Becky asked. "I haven't seen you this excited since they brought back the McRib."

"Becky, I am way past the McRib." Joey insisted.

"This must be big then." Poppy grinned.

The rest of the family enter the kitchen and begin questioning Joey on what he wanted.

Joey turned to face DJ. "Well, you ready for your birthday present?"

DJ widened her eyes. "More? Joey, you already took me to the hockey game."

"Well, that was just to take your mind off the fact that I didn't get you a real birthday present." Joey chuckles. "Follow me!" Joey said as he went outside to the backyard.

Everyone rushed outside to see what DJ's present was.

"Happy 16th birthday." Joey nodded his head towards a shiny red car with a bow on it.

DJ screams, clearly surprised. "It's a car! It's a red car! It's my red car!" The Tanner girl happily beams, jumping up and down as she rushed to the car. "Joey, thank you." The birthday girl pulled Joey in for a hug.

"Whoa, a '77 Firebird." Jesse hums, clearly impressed. "Joey, this is some serious ride here."

"Is that a car?" Nicky and Alex both babble.

"That's a very nice car." Becky said, holding her sons in her arms. "Now, you be nice to Joey, okay? Because maybe for your birthday he'll get you those beautiful diamond earrings I've been...I mean you've been wanting." Becky sheepishly smiled as she walked inside with the boys.

DJ was now sat in the driving seat of her new car, while Kimmy and Poppy sat in the back. DJ then looked over at her boyfriend. "Steve, get in."

"You mean I can eat in your car?" Steve asked, looking surprised.

"Sure." DJ nodded.

𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐞 {𝐅𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞} [𝐎𝐂 𝐗 𝐎𝐂]Where stories live. Discover now