♡Chapter 100♡

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{Poppy's outfit}

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{Poppy's outfit}

Poppy, DJ and Stephanie were in the living room. The three girls were sat on the couch watching tv.

Just then, a new video came up on the tv.

DJ groaned. "Oh, no, I hate this video. Where's the remote?"

"It's on top of the tv." Stephanie tells her sister as she chews on some popcorn.

"Oh, well." DJ shrugged, not wanting to get up from the couch.

Poppy huffed. "Great, now we gotta watch this because we're all too lazy to get up and get the remote."

Danny then walked in the living room. "Girls, it's such a beautiful day outside. Wouldn't you like to go get some fresh air?"

"No." The three girls shake their heads.

"Don't you have some homework to do?" Danny now asks.

"No." Stephanie, Poppy and DJ shake their heads again.

"Do you have some friends you wanna hang out with?" Danny inquired.

"No." DJ, Stephanie and Poppy continue to shake their heads.

Danny sighed, placing his hands on his hips. "Let me give you another option...please leave." Danny pleaded as he turned the tv off. "Look, I gotta work in here, okay? Vicky's coming over."

"Ooh!" DJ, Stephanie and Poppy tease as they look up at Danny.

"There is nothing to 'ooh' about." Danny quickly dismissed it.

"Oh, yes, there is. You kissed her." Stephanie smirked.

"Dad, don't be so embarrassed. You two make a cute couple. Go for it." DJ encourages her father.

"I agree." Poppy chimes in. "All you do is talk about her. It's obvious you like her."

"Look, it was one little good-night kiss. We haven't even talked about it since." Danny brushed it off.

Poppy frowned. "What? You've worked with her every day for a week and you haven't even brought it up?"

"Why are you such a chicken?" DJ scoffed.

"I am not a chicken. This is a very delicate situation and I'm just proceeding cautiously because—" Danny goes to explain.

Stephanie cuts her dad off as she begins imitating a chicken.

Danny gave his daughters and his niece a stern look. "Will you girls please give me a break? Maybe she doesn't even remember the kiss. Maybe she hated it." Danny feared for the worst.

"Uncle D, relax. I thought the exact same thing when me and Marcus kissed for the first time. But now look at me and Marcus, we're dating!" Poppy beamed.

𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐞 {𝐅𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞} [𝐎𝐂 𝐗 𝐎𝐂]Where stories live. Discover now