Late night store trip

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《Real life》

The night so far has been the most fun Juliette Lincoln has had in a long time. Just a couple hours after they had arrived back home, Charlie and Juliette decided to go to Walmart to get snacks and drinks for a movie night. They were gonna watch Tangled (Juliette's suggestion obviously) but Charlie was secretly happy to watch the Disney movie.

He was standing in the check out line with basket filled to the brim with snacks. Juliette was getting drinks, when she came back to join Charlie he had only moved one spot since she had been gone. Charlie then noticed that she had more than just drinks in her grasp.

He couldn't tell exactly what all she had in her basket, this spiked his interest, "What you got there?"

"You'll have to wait, it's a surprise, Pretty boy," she replied with a teasing smile. The boy infront of her chuckled before moving forward in the line.

They quickly got everything they needed and left the store. Charlie was driving and Juliette was in the passenger seat, legs rested on the dash. They had a thirty minute drive back to the apartment so Juliette had connected her phone to the aux.

Meddle about blared through the car speaker. Juliette singing like the curly haired boy was not sat right next to her. Just like earlier tonight his eyes left the road to look a the pretty girl next to him, singing her heart out.

The song soon ended and Juliette could feel eyes on her. She looked to her left her eyes connecting with his beautiful chocolate eyes. Pink floods the boys face who quickly looks back to the road.

Juliette smiled to herself before picking the next song.

I'm sorry this is CRAZY short but I didn't have alot of free time today, but I still wanted to post so here it is. It is also super rushed so if it's Terrible I'm sorry

Bye my loves💋

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