A Picnic with "Friends"

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《Real life》

Juliette and Charlie met Katlynn outside the trailer. The girl held a picnic baskets filled with different foods. Big, and expensive, sunglasses hid her eyes from veiw. She smiled when she saw the two, moving her glasses to the top of her head.

"Hey my bitches," she greeted, lifting her arms, and the basket, in the air. "Language," her sister spoke sternly. "Oh shut up and come give me a hug," the younger sister ordered.

With an eye roll the older Lincoln sister moved to give the girl a hug. "Where is my hug," a feminine voice spoke. When the younger girl turned, she saw a face she had dreamed to see in person, since she started in Stuck in the Middle. The Ariana Greenblatt.

The girls eyes widened, letting out an exited screech. She sholoved the basket of food into her sisters arms. She all but ran into the girls open arms. "Oh my God, I am hugging Ariana Greenblatt!" She spoke cheerfully, earning a giggle from the actress.

"It is so nice to meet you," Ariana spoke as the two pulled away. The girl said nothing, she stood there speechless. "Umm, Kay...your supposed to reply," the older sister teased from behind. With a chuckle, Charlie .over beside the girl wrapping an arm around her waist. Her breath hitched in her throat at when she felt his touched. She then remeber the scene they filmed just a couple hours ago.

She started to get flash back, of her back against the tree, their bodies pressed together, the fake swords stuck between them, and most of all his hands on her hips and chin. With thay a blush spread across her face. "What are you thi king about amor," Charlie whispered into her ear, the new nickname and the feeling if his hot breath on her ear made her blush deepen.

Andrew's voice brought her back to reality when he spoke, "Are we doing this picnic or not people," he clapped his hands together to emphasize the question, and make sure everyone was listening.

"Yeah let's do this Dew," Katlynn replied, skipping over to the boy and linking their arms as she smiled, a slight blush spread across the boys cheek at the nickname.

Shaking her head Juliette gained her composure. "Yeah let's do this, Arianna you can join to if you would like," the girl offered.

"Im okay thank you I think I have some things to wrap up before I can do anything. "Wait are you gonna go to the fair with us later?" Juliette asked the girl.

"Yeah Aryan invited me, so I'll be there," she said with a smile.

The group of four made there way to Katlynn's car. Juliette and Andrew both raced for the car, both yelling out shotgun as they went. Unfortunately for Juliette, Andrew beat her to the door. He swung the door open and sat in the seat, closing the door before the girl could get in. He teased her through the window, making stupid faces at her. The girl stomped her foot like a toddler, mumbling under her breath.

"You two are a bunch of children," Katlynn teased, making Charlie chuckle.

"And what's so funny there Mr. Chukles," Juliette pressed, her arms crossed over her chest as she stared him down.

"Oh nothing mi amor," Charlie spoke, grabbing the girls waist and moving her to the back car door. "Wouldn't you rather sit by me anyways?" He whispered in her ear, sending shivers down her spine. "Uh...y-yeah," the girls stuttered as a blush spread across her cheeks. The taller boy smirked at her reaction.

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