Day one of filming

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<<Real life>>

Today was the first day of filming for Percy Jackson. Juliette and Charlie arrived at set at 6 am that morning. Instead of going to their separate trailers they both hung out at her trailer. They didn't have to go film yet since they were still filming stuff for episode one.

The two decided to practice their parts. They would be filming their fight scene at the beginning, well more of a big flirt fest, Jules would be lying if she said she wasn't nervous. They would be getting super close, like super close, and that scared her. The last week they had spent together had been amazing and she was starting to fall for the curly haired, brown eyed, tall Bushnell boy. Little did she know the boy had fallen harder. He needed her close at all times. He needed to see her smile, hear her laugh. He wanted to be the cause of both, and more than anything he wanted to kiss her. Any feelings she had for him, he felt them harder.

A couple hours later, the two had to go for sword training. By the time they were done training and filming their scenes, they were tired and sweaty, they decided to go back to Juliette's trailer to wash up and rest. The group had a plan to go to the fair after, but that wasn't until 7:00 and it was only 1:30. The two would have plenty of time to spare.

Once they made it out of the sweltering heat and into the cool trailer, Juliette fell onto the small couch dramatic. That caused Charlie to chuckle. He made his way over to the couch, he sat by her head. Juliette laid comfortably on the couch, when suddenly a had was placed on her bare back. She had a small, cropped, tank on. It exposed most of her tan beautiful skin. She sat the up mimicking they way Charlie was sitting.

She then felt his hands on her waist, and before she knew it she was on his lap facing him. "Hi," she greeted, her voice just above a whisper. A blush spread across her tan face. "Hi," Charlie replied with a playful smirk. There faves were about five inches apart. The tension had been high since they filmed their fight scene part. They were super close while filming that scene, and to outsiders, it didn't look like acting. They both knew it was not acting, but neither said a word.

The girl leaned forward not to kiss him like he thought, like he hoped, no she rested her chin on his shoulder, and her arms around his waist. Charlie let out a sigh of relief? No. Disappointed. Giving into the girls warmth he did the same thing he did. They stayed in that position for a few minutes, then there was a knock at the trailer door.

"Come in!" Juliette yelled, not moving from her spot on the boys lap. "Hey-" They heard Andrew's voice start talking but stop abruptly when he saw the two. "-umm I can come back later," He finished awkwardly.

"You're fine Andy," Juliette spoke, removing herself from Charlie's hold. "What do you want?" Charlie asked sending the boy a 'seriously' look. Andrew mouth a quick sorry to his friends. Guilt taking g over his features.

After a moment of silence Andrew spoke up, "Well all I wanted to tell you was your sister is here with lunch." He scratched his neck uncomfortably before turning on his heel and mumbling something inaudible. That made the girl giggle while Andrew walked out Into the hot sticky air.

Sorry this took so long MLs. I just wasn't motivated and im still not really that us why this chapter is so short but tha k you for over 16k views also last time I checked this story was 5th for #charliebushnell and 2nd for #leahsavajeffries. So tha k you for that.

That's  all for now I love you guys❤️‍🔥

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