Sleeping beauty and Prince charming

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《Social Media》

Iamcharliebushnell posted on his Instagram story

Iamcharliebushnell posted on his Instagram story

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《Real life》

The sun shown through the sheer curtains. Walking the two who laid on the couch limbs I tertwind with one another. The brunette girls eyes fluttered open, she was met with the eyes of the curly haired boy who had already been awake for hours, just admiring her. She didnt need to that though.

"Morning sleeping beauty," he spoke happily sleep still coated his voice making him sound even hotter. "Morning prince charming," she replied.

"What do we have planned for today?" He asked the girl who was still half asleep on his chest. He received no answer just her pressing her face deeper into the crook of his neck. "How about we stay just like this?" She mumbled into his neck. The vibrations of her voice on his neck sent shivers throughout his whole body.

"I think that's a great idea," he answered, hugging her form closer to his body. Juliette let out a comfortable sigh before falling back into a peaceful sleep. Her light snores made the boy chuckle breathlessly.

"Sleep well beutiful," he smiled kissing the girl on the head. She only shuffled alittlie. Her body shivered her sleeping form signaling she was cold. With that, he pulled the warm blanket over there bodies.

When they woke up for the second one time today they decided it was really time to get up, well it was Charlie's idea, Juliette would have been fine staying like they had been for eternity.

She liked the warmth his body gave off. It made her feel safe and that's exactly what she needed.


The two decided to go out for breakfast. They had seen a cute Cafe when they had explored yesterday, and decided they would go check it out. When they got there they saw a familiar face.

"Dior!?" Jules exclaimed when she saw her new best friend.

"Jules!" She replied happily, they ran to eachother basicly tackling eachother in a hug.

The scene made fellow customers heads turn in the direction of the chaos. Charlie chuckled at their moment before noticing the audience and signaling for the girls to calm down.

Eventually the crowd stopped caring, going back to reading there books or scrolling on their phones while drinking their coffee.

The three curly headed teens found a spot at one of the tables. "I didn't know you guys were gonna be here," Dior was the first to speak.

"It was a last minute decision," Charlie started "We fell asleep on the couch during movie night and just woke up like 30 minutes ago"

Dior gave the two a knowing look, a smirk covered her face. "Hey Jules, quick question," she spoke, the playful smirk never leaving her lips.

"Yeah?" The girl looked op from her coffee. "How did you sleep last night?" The younger girl asked.

"Fine," the girl replied, confusion written on her face. "That's good," she started, grabbing her phone and pulling out her phone and finding what she was looking for before turning her phone to face the two infront of her. "Because you seemed pretty comfy."

When the older girl saw what was on the phone her jaw went slack. Her head whipped around to look at the boy so fast it was a surprise she didn't get whiplash.

"When was this," the girl asked the boy the bot who sat next to her, but she got no answer just the back of the boys head as he pretended to look out the window. "Prince charming, I'm talking to you."

He finally looks to her, "Yes my love?" He spoke, acting like he hadn't heard her question.

Dior leaned back in her chair taking a long sip of coffee, enjoying the little drama show happening right infront of her eyes, a smirk still plastered on her face.

"This!" The other girl complained shoving Dior's phone in his face.

"Oh that," he chuckled, scra4ching the back of his neck, "you looked cute, peaceful."

With out an answer the girl turned away from her crossing her arms in a pouting manner. For better effect she kitted out her bottom lip in a pout.

This made Dior giggle, Charlie joining soon after. "Come on sleeping beauty. You can't be mad at me,"

"I can actually," she teased. She wasn't actually mad but she just wanted to make Charlie work for her forgiveness.

"Come on darling, please?" He pleaded. He grabbed her chin, turning her face to his. Once their eyes met a blush covered the girls cheeks. Before he could see she jerked her head away. She wasn't gonna give in that easily.

"Darling look at me," he pleaded again, he realized there was only one way to make her forgive him. "Sleeping beauty?" He tried once more as his hands went for her waist. Suddenly, Juliette started to giggle loudly.

Charlie was tickling her, making her jump around in her seat. She tried to tell him to stop, but she couldn't get the words out. She struggled to breath as she laughed.

"I'll stop," he started with a smile, " but only if you stop being mad at me," he negotiated.

"Fine," she spoke breathlessly, "I. Forgive. You," she spoke thing a breath between each word.

He finally stopped the tickle attack. Juliette fought to catch her breath. Once she could breathe easily, she smoked the boys arm playfully.

"Don't make me tickle you again," he threatened. They heard a chuckle from across the table.

"You two love birds done yet?" The third wheeling girl asked, raising her eyebrows. A bubbly smile, that showed her pearly whites, light up her face.

The two blushed looking down at their hands that were now in their laps.

The trio soon left the Cafe an silence had settled on the group. The soon went their separate ways, Charlie and Juliette going won way and Dior going the other, waving good bye.


This is such a cute chapter. In my opinion at least. I love these two so much it hurts.

Also I'm watching the super bowl while writing this. The half time show was freaking fantastic. I mean freaking LUDACRIS AND ALICIA KEYS, ASWELL AS USER. My heart hurts I loved it so freaking much!!!

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