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"I'm not his father. I'm nobody. I'm just a well-wisher. I want him to be... I try to fill in the gap his father left. Like reminding you to always take care of him and being present when he is giving birth... " Pran nodded his head.

"That was dramatic. But what do I expect from that man... I never respected him since I was born... Why is he like this? It makes me mad that someday my baby will slowly lose respect for him. What should I even do Mr. Assistant? I can't keep my baby from their grandpa. But I also can't let them suffer for him." the assistant sighed and smiled a little.

"Mr. Assistant sounds weird. Call me the sun. Or Mr. Sun whatever feels right." pran smiled a little and nodded as well.

"They Won't suffer if you Don't let them. You have to be in control. You have to control the situation into a positive one when things get negative. I'll guide you I guess. " pran rolled his eyes but smiled. He stood up to go back to wait for Pat.

"Be our baby's godfather. Bless them" Mr Sun stood up as well and silently agreed. When Pran's father saw them walk together he laughed at the irony.

"I thought you hated sun. I guess you Don't?" pran frowned.

"Hmm... I Don't like him. He keeps scolding me." pran sat down and smiled at sun.

"Don't faint again" Pran groaned and leaned against his father's shoulder.


Pat is brave. He laid on top of the bed and looked around.  The doctor wasn't here yet.  Nurses were prepping for the c-section.  He looked down at his belly and caressed it for the last time.  He was feeling a bit of contraction.  Baby wants to come out.

"you've been in there for too long baby.  Time to come out and meet Papa. " the nurses smiled at him. They put a curtain on Pat's chest so he wouldn't see how they were doing the surgery. 

"you are hurting Papa so much, baby...  Don't do that" Pat felt more pain each second.  His eyes were tearing up.  The doctor entered and the operation started after giving him anesthesia.  But Pat wasn't asleep.  He could hear and see.  He just couldn't feel his body from chest to leg.  He heard the clanking of the materials.  The doctor whispered to the nurse. He closed his eyes. He was praying for his baby to come out healthy.  The surgery was quicker than he thought. The baby came out but didn't respond. He couldn't see what was happening but heard everything.  Doctors tried to be as quiet as possible.  They slapped his baby on his back 2 times and he screamed as loudly as possible.  Pat felt a relief. The doctors were already sewing him back up. They took the baby somewhere to clean him. The rest of the surgery went by Pat thanked god and the doctors finished up the surgery. The nurse came and placed him on Pat's chest.  Pat smiled and tried to hold him but Pat felt too weak to move.  His tears were rolling down on their own.  Pat choked out a cry.

"Hi, baby.  Welcome. I'm you papa" The baby quieted down but then started crying again.  They took him away from Pat. Pat doesn't remember anything else.  He only remembers being moved to another room. 

The newborn was all ready to meet his family. The doors opened and Pran ran to the nurse who was holding the baby.  He didn't know how to hold a baby.  He had never held one.  But he wanted to be the first one to hold him. The nurse placed the baby in his dad's arms and Pran sniff kissed on top of his head. 

"it's a boy! " the nurse said and Pran thanked her. The baby was sleeping. Comfortable in his dad's arms. 

"Mom!  It's my baby" his mom and Pat's mom nodded their head together.

"he is cute," Pat's mom said and placed her hand on top of the baby's head.

"he looks just like Pat" Pran's mom said and took him from his dad. Pran was crying non-stop.  He felt like fainting again.  He had a baby now.  And he looks so cute.  He is a father.  Nurses opened the door and Pat was lying on a bed. They were moving pat to a room. He smiled at Pran and his eyes searched for his baby. When he saw the baby in Pran's mother's arms he smiled and immediately closed his eyes.

"pat! Are you okay?" pran went close to Pat and asked but Pat had no energy. He was brave for so long but now that the anesthesia was going out he could feel the pain in his belly.

"he is too tired sir.  Let him rest first" Pran made an oh sound and gave space for the nurse to take him to a room.  Pran slowly followed him into the room with his family following behind.

The baby was being picked up by everyone.  Mr Sun also held him with mesmerised eyes.

"he looks just like Pat! " Pran smiled took his baby to himself and sat beside Pat.

"he does" Pran said and admired his baby until the nurse came and said they needed to take the baby to the baby's ward. Pran was sad but as long as he is okay pran is okay too. He is a male omega's baby so they were keeping him in special care until everything was Alright. Pat woke up feeling the pain in his belly. He jolted and touched his belly.

"My baby!" pran slowly shhed Pat but Pat looked terrified. He was thinking his baby was gone. He looked everywhere and when he Couldn't find him he started crying.

"Shh... The baby is with the nurse. He is under special care. I'll bring him here if you wanna meet him. But It's best if we let him be with the nurses. " Pat calmed down and touched his wound.

"He is gone? My womb is empty?"

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