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On the other hand, Pat was on their couch crying.  None of Pran's parents knew how to comfort him.  Pran's dad wanted to scold Pran but he understood where Pran was coming from.  Pat was sobbing hard.  Pran's mom decided to continue her housework rather than sit with a crying young man. They thought Pat would calm down after crying for a bit and they knew Pran.  Pran will come back to apologize when he realizes he was wrong.

Pat fainted because of crying.  Pran's dad didn't notice as he thought Pat was still crying.  He couldn't look at Pat because he was pitying Pat so much.

Pran came down after an hour and decided to apologize to Pat and his parents but he noticed Pat passed out on their couch.  Pat was curled up in a ball and had his mouth hung open. Tear strikes are still visible in his cheeks.  Pran sat on the floor next to Pat and took a tissue out of his pocket.  He tried to wipe the tears but Pat's tears were dry.  Those marks didn't go away.

"dad...  Since when is he unconscious? " pran's dad glanced at Pat and was startled. 

"pat!  What happened to him! " pran rolled his eyes.  That's his dad. Always in his world occupied with something else ignoring the real problem.

"I'll take him to my room" Pran's mom came and glared at Pran.  Throughout his whole life pran never took any guy to his room. Even his friends never saw his room because Pran's mom was so strict about not letting anyone touch Pran. 

"Take him to my room" Pran rolled his eyes once again and lifted Pat in his arms.  Pat was heavier than usual.  He never carried pat while he was passed out.  He felt pity for his fate.

"it won't work now Mom.  We are practically married" Pran's mom gasped and watched as Pran took his mate into his room.  The first omega to enter his room. Pran lay pat down and watched as he stirred awake.

"sorry pran" Pat started crying once again when he saw pran.  Pran patted Pat's head in an attempt to calm him down. 

"I'm sorry too Pat. I should've understood you... I got too drowned in my own emotions." Pat sat up and hugged Pran.

"Let's hug it out okay? Let's forget about it... We are both emotionally wrecked today... But I'm grateful to your mother na? She saved me today. I gotta thank her" Pat pulled away and someone's silhouette in front of Pran's door caught his eyes. He smiled and decided to say what he could never say in front of her.

"I grew up fearing her. But in elementary school, I saw her scolding a kid because he kicked you. I understood how much of an amazing mother she is. Because... My mother could never..." pran wiped Pat's tears and glanced at Where Pat was staring. He was his mother's silhouette standing in front of his door. She probably came to check up on Pat but Couldn't enter because they were having a conversation.

"I liked how she protected you. When you brought pad thai made by your mother in the music club... Heck, I fell for her cooking. I still remember the taste. I knew she was not bad like how my dad portrayed her... I knew she was the best. She is an alpha mom for you. When we used to talk... Most of your stories included your mom... And it was cute. I felt like I could vibe with her but I fear her... I still do. I hate the thing between our parents pran... But I could never hate your family because they protect you so much. I really need to thank her sometimes... She proved how much of an amazing person she was when she walked Through my family's house... She is brave... She held my hand and brought me here... I owe her my life pran." pran wiped Pat's tears again because Pat was a crying mess in his arms.

"I owe her my life because she gave me life... You owe her life because she gave your fate a life... The best life. " pran heard sobs coming from the place where his mother stood. Pat looked at Pran and eyed his mother. Asking if he should go and hug her. But Pran shook his head. It wasn’t the best idea. He knows his mother.

"She needs time. It's all too much for her as well." Pat nodded his head and went back to crying because he just had a lot of reasons to cry. His life changed in the blink of an eye.

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