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Pat left for his office in the morning and Pran lay on the bed rethinking what he should do.  Owen was awake and searching for his papa.  Pat takes him to his office every day so Owen was wondering where he is now. 

"papa isn't here today.  Today... It's just Owen and Daddy in a house! " Owen smiled and made happy noises.

"Why do you not cry, honey?  I don't know how I'll feel if you turn out to be autistic- no...  I can't say it.  You will be normal... " he picked up Owen and Owen started to whine for milk.  Pran went to the fridge and realized Pat had freshly pumped some milk for Owen this morning.

"you papa is the best huh? " Owen started to feed and stare at Pran. 

"what?  Not used to this face feeding you? " pran chuckled.  He was talking to a baby who didn't even understand he was a human. 

Pran spent the whole day with Owen but there was a feeling...  An uneasy one.  That he needed to find out what Pat was up to.  Pran massaged Pat's assistant. 

p'sun... Let me know when Pat leaves the office.

Sun laughed when he saw the message.  He was sick of these two.  He thought maybe Pran was preparing a surprise for Pat. He massaged 10 minutes after Pat left and focused on his work again.

Pran got the message and smiled at Owen who was dressed up in a cute baby blue outfit.

"let's go find Papa." Owen wasn't feeling too good about this.  He was making a fuss.  But Pran still put him in a stroller and sat him in the stroller.  Pran waited in front of the gym where Pat went and waited. Pat was in there for an hour before he came out,  drenched in sweat.  Pat looked at his phone and smiled.  He started walking in the opposite direction to Pran.  Pran followed Pat and gasped as he saw him waving at someone.

Pat ran to that person and they both went inside the cafe.  Was this the cafe Pat was talking about?  But the other guy looks like he works here. 

Pran gasped when he saw both of them sitting at a table.  No way Pat was doing this.  Pran was about to walk in and drag Pat home but he stopped when he saw the other guy's expression.  Pat looked like he was blushing but that guy looked...  Sad...  Why would he look sad?  Pat was saying something and shaking his head.  Suddenly Pat lifted his shirt and lowered his pants enough to show him the c-section scar.  Pat smiled and got up with his coffee as the other guy disappeared behind the counter.

Pran was lost in his thoughts.  What could Pat be doing here?  What were they talking about?  Why did that guy look sad?  Why was Pat showing his scar to that guy?  Was Pat Chea-

"Aww, my baby and baby daddy is here?  Here to pick me up? " Pran jumped and gasped as he held his chest. 

"the duck are you doing Pat?! " Pat smiled and raised his eyebrows.

"That's my question.  You should ask how my day was. " pran shook his head and tried to act normal.

"let's go ho-" Pran cut him off

"tell me what's going on.  Tell me everything-" Pat also cut him off but with a smirk.

"I'll tell you everything. If you stop freaking out.  Your little heart will jump out of your chest." pran huffed and looked away.

"you brought your car?" Pat asked again and pushed the stroller.  Owen was falling asleep.

"yeah, it's...  Right around the corner." pran replied and walked fast to the car.  Pat followed him.  Pran put Owen on the baby seat of the car and Pat sat on the driver's seat.

"I'll drive today"

"sure" Pran sat down but his beating heart wasn't calming down.


"yes, honey? "

"what...  What is going on? " Pran asked and Pat smiled.

"you know I can smell you from miles away? You stalking me won't work. " Pat smiled and told Pran.  Pran did not waste a minute getting straight to the point as Pat's witty manner was making his blood boil.

"you were cheating on me, weren't you? " Pat frowned.

"what?  How did you even come to this conclusion? This is stupid. " pran sighed as he tried to keep calm.

"I'm trying hard to not get mad.  I'm trying trust me. But this is what it looks like.  You are cheating on me! " Pat shook his head.

"let me explain first.  You can't think I'll stoop this low for a man." pran rolled his eyes and nodded.

"go on...  Explain.  Explain with proof.  I'll believe everything. " Pat sighed and decided to just tell Pran everything from the start.

"so it was Friday when I discovered this cafe. I went to order and this boy was hitting on me...  You know...  Being a 26-year-old omega who just gave birth, I was flattered.  I don't think I looked my best but he was trying to flirt.  Mind you he is 17." pran frowned at that and rubbed his palm on his face.

"I swear Pat.  I will send you to jail" Pat laughed.

"I will go to jail only if you arrest me, sir. Jokes aside,  I went there again yesterday because their coffee was damn good and that little guy invited me for a coffee. I did not want to go there today but the other cafe across the street was closed.  Look it is closed" Pat pointed at the cafe and Pran looked at it.  It was closed.

"so I had to go there.  That guy was waiting for me at the front door.  I knew this was getting out of hand so I told him that I had a mate and I was 26. Way too old for him.  I am flattered that he thought I was cute and young but boy he was wrong.  I advised him and he was still trying to pursue me.  So I told him about Owen.  I told him that I had a baby.  I gave birth to him myself and whatever he is suggesting is not okay and will never happen.  He did not understand.  He is young so I guess it's understandable.  So I showed him my scar.  That shut him up real quick. I should flash people to prove that I am a seahorse father." pran sighed.  It makes sense more than pat cheating. 

"I heard you talking to someone in the bathroom that you can't come out today because I will be at home. Explain that" Pat blushed again.

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