chapter one

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The halls were quiet ,but  full of one  sweet tune, coming from within Kai's library.
Kai stood  on a levitating book  next to one of the many book shelves, humming. The humming came from within his blue and gold lion mask.His library was full of books, not ordinary books  that people read just because  theire bored or like the stories . These books were different, they held the secrets of life and magic and it was all written in the languege of the gods.

Kai flicked a finger and a  book came floating down from one of the top shelves. When the book stoped infront of  the masked  angel , it grew larger. The size of a qeeun's bed.
Kai heared  footsteps coming from the hall and fell silent infront  of his doorway. " If it isn't the great   father of  witches and wizards gaurdian and  god  of honesty  etc." Kai said with out look at who was at the door. " And says so the father of life  angel, god Lion gaurdian of pride ."  Aron responded.
Kai turned around and more books came floating forming stairs for him to descend.
He walked down  book by book and came to stand inlfront of Aron.   "We need to be prepaired for when Chaos rises again." Aron said .
" No worries pal..." was  once more."
Aron only gave a nod and  walked in the library.
He came to a sitting stance and a silver throne apeared out of thin air. " where are Azura and Ophilia.? " Kai asked.  " Azura is patrolling the gates with her troops and Ophilia is  busy prepairing the souls for their new vessels. "
Kai came to sit next to Aron. Black smoke apeared and darkened library. " Long time no see. " came a feminine voice . When the smoke deasapeared it revealed a young girl in a red smoking dress. Her hair was as black as night and lips as red as mortal blood. Her eyes were dark, but had the light of the moon at times.
"  Hey ... Mel.. how was the trip through  our lovely earth. ? "  Aron asked . " Great . It was fantastic.... the mortals warship us like the should... and we got an invatation to Authar's banquet.

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