Chapter 5 ~ The Drive

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Includes blanked out curse words let me know if you would rather if i just wrote them in instead of blanking them out. 

Izzy's POV:

After I had read the letter I placed it back into my pocket to save for later my mind was spinning a million thoughts filled my head and I couldn't make sense of any of them.  

Were my parents just trying to protect me? Was there a reason that they hid this from me? Or        were they just that resentful towards him? Did they hate Dallas that much? Should I tell                  anyone? Ashlyn would most likely understand but how can I be sure what if she                                  doesn't believe me and thinks that i'm just making this letter up.....

I shook my head if anyone was going to believe this far fetched truth it would be Ash. I gazed out the window deep in thought my brain registered that Ash was talking to me but the words she was saying didn't connect in my head. Somewhere deep inside I felt a twinge of guilt for not paying attention since she has been my best and closest friend since the second grade she is always on my side I just need to find a good time to tell her about the new developments..... 

Ashlyn's POV:

Something's bothering Izzy I can sense it, she's staring off into the distance her eyes glazed over with a certain look that shows that she is no longer in this world, but lost in her endless thoughts. 

This has to do with that little piece of paper I saw her take out of her pocket earlier I know she thought we couldn't see it, but I did. Very little gets by me. That's what i keep telling myself at least, it took me well over an hour before I came to this conclusion and I'm mentally kicking myself for not seeing it sooner! 

At first I had thought it was due to her parents kicking her out and basically saying they wanted nothing to do with her anymore, but at the beginning she was her regular old bubbly self so I ruled that option out rather quickly.  

  "Hey Izzy can you come with me to ask the driver if he can stop at a gas station soon I don't want to go alone!" I beg poking her gently to get her attention and for a split second she looks startled but then she understands and nods and we get up and politely ask the driver if he can stop and less than ten minutes later I pull Izzy into the girls bathroom, do a quick scan with my eyes to make sure no one else is in there with us then I blurt out,

"Okay what's bothering you?"

"What are you talking about I'm perfectly fine" she counters shifting her weight from foot to foot as she often does when she is lying. 

"Come on! I'm your best friend just tell me so I can help you! Please!!" I cry

I see her take in a shaky breath then she pulls out the slip of paper I saw her holding earlier and passes it to me slowly.

"Just read it..... it will explain everything."

I read the letter my eyes widening with every word my brain takes in and marvel at how outrageous this all sounds. 

"So your brother isn't a rude, pathetic, jerk? Am I even allowed to hate him anymore?" I exclaim 

Isabella relaxes upon hearing me joke and breathes deeply and it looks as if a huge weight had been removed from her shoulders and that she was back to her normal self again. 

I fake an offended gasp, "Don't tell me the only reason you've been a sour mood was because you didn't think i would believe or some stupid ------  like that!" 

Izzy laughed, "well that's the main reason...."

"Isabella Winston!" I burst out in exasperation, "I am you BEST FRIEND I will believe you NO MATTER WHAT!!!" 

I pull her into a tight hug then we walk out back to the bus where the boys start annoying us over how 'long' we took in the restroom.


Izzy's POV:

Ash had believed me I don't know why I had ever doubted that she wouldn't, but I guess fear just took over me. We have arrived at the houses where we will be staying for duration  of our stay. 

Not long after I had walked off the bus a group boys - one had high cheekbones, a pointed chin, blue eyes, and dark brown hair, he also looked about 18 years old. Next was a boy with light brown hair and gray-green eyes about 15 years old. Lastly, there was a smaller boy he had dark eyes and long dark hair, and he is slight for his age, but if I had to guess I would say somewhere between 15 and 16 - nocked straight into me.

The about 18 yr old boy looked straight at Ashlyn who was standing behind and push me to the side and spoke to her,

"Hey beautiful, my names Dallas Winston...."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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