Chapter 1 ~ Summons

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Izzy's POV:

It was your average day in New York City. I got up at 7:15 got dressed in my school uniform (picture above) and threw all my supplies in my bag. I was about to run out the door when my mom called out to me. 

"Isabella! Don't you dare walk out that door without taking something to eat!" I sighed I really wasn't hungry  and sometimes I can get away with not eating breakfast, but when my mom catches me it's game over. 

"I was just about to mom!" I yelled back frustrated because 1. I could hear Ashlyn's car pulling up to the driveway an I really didn't want her to press the horn since her brother (Jackson) had modified it to be extra loud, and 2. I wasn't in the mood to argue with my mom at 8 A.M. 

"I'm sure you were witch is why you were sprinting out of the house." My mom replied her words heavy with sarcasm. 

"Bye mom." I called back and grabbed a bagel and ran out the door before she could start on me about how a bagel wasn't a 'proper meal' and jumped into Ashlyn's car. 

"Hey Ash!" I greeted my mouth half-full with a bite of the bagel I had grabbed. 

"Izzy, did you understand the homework that Mr. Ameer assigned? I had no clue what to put! I mean I finished the assignment, but I want to make sure I did it right." She cried out her tone desperate and her face pleading as she drove us to Willow Creek High School the most exciting and boring place on earth. 

"Ya, of course!" I said rummaging through my bag looking for my pen so I could put it with the rest of them, as to avoid struggling to find a pen in my bag later.  

(their high school)

As we pulled up to our school I feel small compared to the school which was weird since I've been going to this school since I was 14 and I had never felt, small

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As we pulled up to our school I feel small compared to the school which was weird since I've been going to this school since I was 14 and I had never felt, small. As I got out of Ashlyn's car I took a deep breath and stepped into the school. 

I should ditch today something is wrong something is going to happen. I thought to myself then snapped out of it because I know that I could never ditch class especially since I would have no way of knowing what we did and if it was something important that I missed I shutter to think. 

Ash and I walked through the hallway and I guess you could say we are the "popular girls" of the school though we don't fit into most of the stereotypical lines of the popular girl. I mean I'm part of the drama club, I'm on the dance team, I think I'm a decent singer {although Ash tells me I'm "talented"} but I don't like singing in front of people other than Ash because I am self-conscious. Ashlyn is on the dance team with me and I think she would have gone out to be a cheerleader if she felt like it wasn't an insult to be called a cheerleader. I try to tell her to do what makes her happy, but she cares too much about what others think even if she doesn't seem like she does. Both of us are single I just dislike all the guys at our school I mean sure some are good looking and I mean very good looking, but I'm just not interested in being some ones girlfriend. Ash on the other hand would like a boyfriend, but non of the guys at our school is "her perfect guy". 

Suddenly in the middle of home room the speaker came on, "Teachers please excuse this interruption. I need Isabella Winston, Ashlyn Smith, and Jackson Smith to come to the front office immediately. Thank you." 

Ash and I shared a look of pure fear, we had no idea what was going on I had never broken any rules and nether had Ashlyn. My mind was racing filling my head with the worst possible scenarios. My heart was beating a mile a minute my hands were clammy and I was filled with fear. I saw Jackson come up to us and say something, but I didn't hear it I was too focused on the door to the office. As we stepped in we saw Principal Myers sitting in a chair with his arms crossed on a stack of files. 

"Ashlyn, Isabella, Jackson, please sit down we need to have a very long conversation.".........

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